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0986en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0986, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Isn't spring lovely? The trees have their early leaves. The park is full of flowers and butterflies. The birds sing with cheer in their nest, the air is warmer, the days're longer. The nights shorter, people change their winter clothes for lighter more coloured items. And who will remove this awful school alienation?!
040-06pt MACANUDO, VOLUME 6, PORTUGUÊS, ZARABATANA BOOKSDiálogoDiabo: ...E neste fosso colocamos as pessoas que escrevem nas revistas que coisas estão "out" e que coisas estão "in".
PCL103438 In April Come He Will. (Pierre Laval as a bird wears a Swastika tail and sits on a Vichy nest uncomfortably as Marshal Petain and Admiral Darlan look on from another branch) *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL113305 "And, any time you happen to be passing, do drop in ... that's our little nest - the one with the window-boxes." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Fougasse (Kenneth Bird)
PCL110726 "O for the wings, for the wings of a dove — Far away, far away would I rove; In the wilderness build me a nest, and remain there for ever at rest." *** Local Caption *** Living the music
PCL109991 "Ruined, Albert? And shall we have to leave our little nest?" *** Local Caption *** Arthur Watts cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109181 "The Fates Decide. (Hitler looks downcast at the Eagle's Nest of his Berchtesgaden mountain reteat as the silhouettes of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin decide the future of Europe in a large crystal ball)" *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL110476 "Out with it, woman - you've been seeing that Gulliver chap, haven't you." *** Local Caption *** Nick (Nicholas Hobart) cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106681 (Hen laying eggs in an egg-box) *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Science-Technology-Space from Punch
PCL101518 The British Character. Interest in Natural History *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Science-Technology-Space from Punch

Total de Resultados: 10

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