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1200en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1200, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: What a picture! If we go on with this mix we'll have women thinking like men and men like women!Susanita: Well said, Manolito! I'm glad you think the same as me. Manolito, hey, Manolito? Manolito, Manolito...
1006en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1006, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Can you imagine a woman president, Felipe?Felipe: God help us!Susanita: You better learn that women are more intelligent than men! D'you hear me? And nicer and more noble! Get it? Sweeter and gentler! UNDERSTAND?Felipe: And they say women are hard to understand!
0340en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0340, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Rear traction is better than forward traction!Mafalda: But you got no reverse. And anyway mine. Uses less fuel. With a cup of milky coffee I can go all morning! With that junk heap you need a sandwich half way through! Right?Felipe: Ok. I choose not to discuss mechanical matters with women!
0305en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0305, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Today's my last day. On the beach, Miguelito. But I'm happy that you live near me and we can still see each other.Miguelito: Of course.Mafalda: And you can meet my friends.Miguelito: What? She's got friends? I thought I was her friend and it now seems I'm just one more! You women are eh all the same!
0205en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0205, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: You can't only be interested in being a wife and mother, Susanita! These days, women are called on to fill a more important place.Susanita: I'm going on a diet tomorrow!
PCL101319 The Farmer and the New Farm-Labourer. *** Local Caption *** WW1 Women Workers Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107768 "What's the disturbance in the market-place? ""It's a mass meeting of the women who've changed their minds since the morning and want to alter their voting-papers.""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons from Punch about the Suffragettes and votes for women
PCL112516 "Elder sister. ""Do you want women to have votes?"" Younger sister. ""No."" Elder sister. ""Why?"" Younger sister. ""Because I like to hear about the suffragettes.""" *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103862 How to Treat the Female Chartists. *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111123 "Mill's Logic; or, Franchise for Females. ""Pray Clear the Way, There, for These - a- Persons.""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons from Punch about the Suffragettes and votes for women
PCL114759 "(A militant Suffragette wearing a horse costume attacks Wiiliam Gladstone, and fellow politicians, with a spear)." *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102671 Other women? What other women? *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL111573 "Inspector (to arrested woman). ""What's your name?"" Woman. ""Jest run froo the nimes o' the cabinick minstrels, will yer, ole dear? I've forgot for the minnit oo's my 'usbing!"" [According to the press it is understood that it is an agreed suffragette plan for women who are arrested to give the names of cabinet ministers' wives. The idea may spread to other types that come into collision with the police.]" *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114454 "‘By the way, I’d like to compliment you on being one of the few women who look good in horizontal stripes’"
PCL111601 "In The Cause of our Working Sisters. (see suffragette manifestos.) Flower woman. ""I wish them sufferajettes would move along. They've ruined my business to-day!""" *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111946 "History in the Making. The unchivalrous Sir Almroth denying his identity to fair caller at fire proof retreat, where he is resting after nervous strain of writing the unexpurgated case against female suffrage." *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110430 "Pavement artist (who has not yet recovered the nerve which he lost on hearing of the attack upon the Velasquez Venus). ""Pass along them covers, George - the suffragettes is coming.""" *** Local Caption *** Suffragette and Votes For Women cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106251 (women golfers with baby) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL107187 (A man carrying a tailor's dummy is chased by extremely large-breasted axe wielding women)
PCL107863 "Well, so you're going to have the vote at last. ""Oh, only women over thirty, you know."""
PCL106697 (Grass skirted women in a mud hut village dance around their handbags) *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about Fashion
PCL108834 "The Murderer. ""Remember, women and children first!""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Communism and Fascism from Punch magazine
PCL113409 "All those in favour of putting women in their places before it's too late say, 'Aye." *** Local Caption *** Henry Martin cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103019 May I say how much I admire the care you take with your appearance? So many dead women just let themselves go. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Bud Handelsman
PCL107426 (A boxing ring with a sign reading 'Tag Team Nagging'. A man sits in the centre and a group of women come into the ring to shout at him) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL103039 Manners and Modes. The Feline Touch. If the vogue for long and pointed nails persists—in view of the elaborate care necessary to cultivate them—we may one day find women keeping them in condition on a table-leg.
PCL110072 "Registrar of women workers. ""What can I do for you?"" Applicant. ""You probably want a forewoman: Somebody who is used to giving orders and words of command. I've brought my husband to speak for me.""" *** Local Caption *** Arthur Wallis Mills Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114560 "(Two slim young women see a highly desirable coat in a shop window, ask a stout middle-aged woman to buy the coat in a large size using their clothing coupons, then cut it apart and turn it into two coats)" *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Anton
PCL110396 "Perfectly Dweadful. Guard. ""Now, sir! If you're going on by express. Here's just room for one!"" Tourist. ""Wha-t! Get in with hawwid old women, and squeeming children! By jove! You know! I say! It's inpawsible, you know!""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110523 "Our ""Flappers."" ""Flapper"" is the popular press catchword for an adult woman worker, aged twenty-one to thirty, when it is a question of giving her the vote under the same conditions as men of the same age. (ironic cartoon showing Punch magazine's version of Flappers as working women in the British Industries during the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL112659 "Dishonoured. Captain of the Emden. ""Dirty work! (Captain Karl von Muller looks disapprovingly at the Sydney Press and the headline Raid on Scarborough - Kaiser's Fleet Shells Women and Children)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL104920 Ascent my foot! *** Local Caption *** 1970s Womens Rights Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111176 "Masculine Inconsistency. Lovelace de la Poer Spinks (his usual soliloquy before his glass). ""After all - it's not a man's PERSONAL APPEARANCE women care for. It's his CHARACTER, it's his INTELLECT, it's - "" [Proceeds, as usual, to squeeze his neck into a collar which prevents him from turning his head, his feet into tight boots whioch prevent him from walking and his waist into a belt which prevents him from drawing his breath." *** Local Caption *** George du Maurier Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113509 "A Woman of Some Importance. (Mr Asquith and the Paisley mill-hand) ""How are you voting, my pretty maid?"" ""Wait and you'll see, kind sir,"" she said." *** Local Caption *** A Woman of Some Importance Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109716 "St Valentine's Day at Girton. First young lady (opens Valentine, and reads): - Charming, isn't it? Gussie must have sent it from Oxford?"" Second young lady (overlooking). ""Yes, it's out of the Antigone - The Love-Chorus, you know. How much jollier than those silly English verses fellows used to send!""" *** Local Caption *** George du Maurier Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109923 "Schoolmistress (desirous to find out Christian names of children's fathers, so that she may address correspondence in proper form). ""Now, Alice, what does Mamma call Papa?"" Alice. ""Please, 'm, she calls him duckie."" Schoolmistress (baffled). ""Tom, what does your mother call your father?"" Tom (stolidly). ""Mother never speaks to father!""" *** Local Caption *** FH Townsend cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102743 Of course there's no harm in you ringing me at the office. I've got a marvellous boss—he simply eats out of my hand. *** Local Caption *** WW2 Office Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108957 "The Ladies of the Creation; Or, how I was cured of being a strong-minded woman. The Band at St James's Palace." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110500 "Our Pretty Doctor. Dr. Arabella. ""Well, my good friends, what can I do for you?"" Bill. ""Well, miss, it's all along o' me and my mates bein' out o' work, yer see, and wantin' to turn an honest penny hanyways we can; so, 'avin 'eard tell as you was a risin' young medical practitioner, we thought as p'raps you wouldn't mind just recommendin' of HUS as nurses.""" *** Local Caption *** George du Maurier Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108949 "The Ladies of the Creation; Or, how I was cured of being a strong-minded woman. The Barrister." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112333 "First young woman. ""Riding pillion all through the strike, I was; and such a nice young chap!"" Second ditto. ""Really, dear! I suppose one does find one's level in a crisis. Personally I never sank lower than a limousine.""" *** Local Caption *** Interwar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113404 "All Together. ""Hold it! Another year or so and you've got 'em!""" *** Local Caption *** All Together
PCL111204 "Mamma. ""Now go and say good-night to your governess, like a good little girl, and give her a kiss."" Little puss. ""I'll say good-night, but I won't give her a kiss."" Mamma. ""That's naughty"" Why won't you give her a kiss?"" Little puss. ""Because she slaps people's faces when they try to kiss her."" Mamma. ""Now don't talk nonsense; But do as you're told."" Little puss. ""Well, mummy, if you don't believe me, - ASK PAPA!"" [Tableau." *** Local Caption *** The goodnight kiss Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113970 "“Of course, Margaret working is a great help. She buys all her own gin.”" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL103185 Just write a courteous letter saying we'll raise hell if our request is not complied with.
PCL103349 It was in the 'Pithy Suggestions' box addressed to the manager. *** Local Caption *** WW2 Office Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104140 Great Scott! Who in the world can be ringing us up?
PCL103560 I wonder what's become of Mary?
PCL102272 Pro Patria. A tribute to woman's work in war-time. (a woman ploughs a field as part of the Women's Land Army during WW1) *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL108953 "The Ladies of the Creation; Or, how I was cured of being a strong-minded woman. Mary Protecting the Weaker Sex." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112310 "For Better, For Worse. Mistress. ""I'm sorry you want to leave, Ellis. Are you going to better yourself?"" Maid. ""No, M'm; I'm going to get married.""" *** Local Caption *** "For Better, For Worse"
PCL114472 "‘And, of course, he was more worried than ever when he realised he was inconveniencing a lady doctor’" *** Local Caption *** PUNCH magazine cartoons by William Scully
PCL105171 A Sketch from Nature. *** Local Caption *** George du Maurier Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104986 Another Changed Face. (Dedicated with admiration to the ATS.) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Fougasse (Kenneth Bird)
PCL109167 "The Feminine ""Faculty"". New Housemaid (to her master). ""Oh, Sir! I'm glad you've come in. there's a party a waitin' in the surgery to see you."" (It was Mrs Dr Mandragora Nightshade, who had called professionally about ""a Case."") ""He - she - would come in, sir - and - I think (shuddering) ""It's a man in woman's clothes, Sir!!!""" *** Local Caption *** Charles Keene Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114594 "(The arrival of a dictatype machine, which turns out to be a typist sitting in a box)" *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103769 I don't think it would be a bad idea if we kept a carbon copy of each letter we send out and had them put in some sort of file or something. *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113692 "A Day at the Office, or, Business as Usual" *** Local Caption *** "A Day at the Office, or, Business as Usual"
PCL103590 I want something that puts all that in a nutshell. *** Local Caption *** PUNCH magazine cartoons by William Scully
PCL108960 "The Ladies of the Creation; Or, how I was cured of being a strong-minded woman. The Woman at the Wheel." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101868 Something More Apropos of Bloomerism. (Behind the counter there is one of the 'inferior animals.') *** Local Caption *** Victorian Era Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112341 "First public man. ""Well, Sir Alfred, what do you suggest?"" Second public man. ""I'll tell y - ; (sotto voce) but wait till your typist is gone. She may be writing one of these confidential memoirs.""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by James Henry Dowd
PCL113677 "A first-class workman's ticket to Hayford, please."
PCL104489 Death on the Rope. *** Local Caption *** Death on the Rope
PCL102957 Mr John Smith? Never heard of him. *** Local Caption *** WW2 Office Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111747 "I told him you were out, so he said oh very well then, tell him I didn't call." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109587 "Teacher. ""When is your little brother coming to Sunday-school, Alfred?"" Alfred. ""Please, Miss, mother don't wish 'im to take up religion just yet.""" *** Local Caption *** Too young for religion
PCL102958 Mr Goddard is fighting in the Burmese jungle — perhaps you would prefer to see Mr Wright. *** Local Caption *** WW2 Office Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110265 "Prudent swain (choosing valentine). ""Perhaps you can help me, Miss; What I'm relly looking for is something frightfully ardent yet definitely non-committal.""" *** Local Caption *** Choosing a valentine
PCL101567 The British Character. A tendency to be conscious of draughts *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL100717 The Young Woman in Business. The Manager and Her Private Secretary. *** Local Caption *** Arthur Wallis Mills Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108239 "Time, gentlemen, please." *** Local Caption *** PUNCH magazine cartoons by William Scully
PCL113362 "An Inducement. Swedish exercise instructress. ""Now, ladies, if you will only follow my directions carefully, it is quite possible that you may become even as I am!""" *** Local Caption *** Arthur Wallis Mills Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108247 "Three plain, four purl..." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101398 The committee on women's rights will now come to order. (cartoon showing an exclusively male dominated boardroom) *** Local Caption *** Sexism Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114438 "‘Here, try the rhythm method.’" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Music from Punch
PCL114507 "?Albert, if you're trying to hypnotise me without my knowing it, you're wasting your time.?" *** Local Caption *** Henry Martin cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113652 "A Judge by Appearance. Bathing guide. ""Bless 'is 'art! I know'd he'd take to it kindly - by the werry looks on 'Im!""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113240 "Are you still doing that secret war work you were telling me all about, dear?"
PCL107713 "Why a New Education Code is Needed. Inspector. ""I am very sorry to say, Miss Wilkins, that not one child in this standard can explain the 'Extended Predicate!'"" (a school inspector makes a visit)" *** Local Caption *** Victorian Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL104893 At Last *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104508 Darling! Fancy YOUR being in this war! *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Lewis Baumer
PCL102905 MUST you go home? Why not stay the night? *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL108359 "The Young Woman in Business. The Manager. ""The head of your department complains that you come to business frivolously dressed. I don't like your tie and I don't like your socks. Alter them, please.""" *** Local Caption *** Arthur Wallis Mills Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114318 "“...keen golfer — had a touch of sinus the last time you met him, and also since then he’s had wife trouble and she’s left him. Son, Mike, away at school, and daughter, Caroline, whose snapshot you much admired...”" *** Local Caption *** PUNCH magazine cartoons by William Scully
PCL105433 “The greeting cards you wrote for us were truly uninspired. And so I say with no regrets that as of now you’re fired.” *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Business and Office life from Punch
PCL109606 "Take a letter, Miss Shedlock." *** Local Caption *** Cartoons by Frank Reynolds from Punch magazine
PCL104853 Back to Work. It is hoped that the bracing and invigorating effect of the holidays upon the brain will be shown later on. *** Local Caption *** George Morrow Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113345 "And another thing - if someone asks you for a cup of tea, a razor-blade and a packet of envelopes, don't start worrying your head trying to find some logical connection between them." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111236 "Lunch Hour Confidences. ""Such nice young man took me out to dinner last night — such a well mannered man. D'you know, when the coffee come and 'e'd poured it in 'is saucer, instead of blowing on it like a common person, 'e fanned it with 'is 'at!""" *** Local Caption *** FH Townsend cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108353 "Then ME, I suppose, then YOU." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113260 "Anyhow, I'll be at the office on time in the morning." *** Local Caption *** WW2 Office Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114739 "(A secretary spreads her knitting across her in, pending and out-trays)" *** Local Caption *** Kenneth Mahood cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110995 "Mrs Symons (wishing to draw attention, in the time-honoured mannner, to the amount of dust on the drawing-room furniture). ""Look at that, Martha; I can write my name on the piano."" Martha. ""Fancy, now, you spelling it with a 'y.'""" *** Local Caption *** FH Townsend cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109668 "Strike features. [""After a long walk the feet are most quickly rested by being raised. Lie down, or sit with the legs outstretched and the feet on a high pillow.""—Evening News, Sept 30.]" *** Local Caption *** "Business, Office cartoons from Punch magazine"
PCL107559 "Yes, this is Miss Walker's office." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Anton
PCL106587 (Man in office using his secretary's arm to draw a line on his sales chart) *** Local Caption *** Larry (Terence Parkes) Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103748 I had such a lovely dream last night - all in technicolor. *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL100482 Type out after school 'I must not throw paper pellets in class' single spacing on foolscap one top and seven carbons. *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105876 “Can I get him to ring you back? He’s trying to out-stare the dog again.” *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Animals, Pets, from Punch"

Total de Resultados: 4.932

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