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abnavidad012sp ANGEL BOLIGÁN DIARIO MEXICANO EL UNIVERSAL, ESPANHOL, 2012.Terrorismo de temporada.
1809en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1809, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Last night I saw on TV one of those shows where some guys pile up bricks and, whack! Crack them with one hand.Felipe: Ah, the karate guys, was it good?Mafalda: Yes, so much so that at breakfast today mom put the butter on the table and...Guille: YYAAAH!Mafalda: Three cans of stain remover.
1686en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1686, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: C'mon, Felipe! Look on the bright side of starting school! Think of finding old friends, or how good it is to make new ones and the joy of recess.Felipe: Yes, of course... What? You had all that written down?Miguelito: Oh, yes, and think of the trouble I took. Spent all morning trying to find those three stupid arguments!
1583en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1583, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoTeacher: Verbs ending in, are called "what" verbs?Miguelito: Let me see, yeh, I've got it... Here's my phone number. Seven-two-eight-two-eight. Call me at about four and I should have an answer for you to solve this business. Oh, and if I've gone out to play you will probably find me at six-three-one-five.
1323en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1323, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: BANG! Nature is wise! If that bird had fallen down dead, I would not have slept for three months.
1377en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1377, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoManolito: Five, four, three, two, one... zero!Mafalda: Throwing your copybook does not solve matters, Manolito!Manolito: Always the same marks! Five, four, three, two, one...
1181en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1181, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: The monocotyedons have leaves with no stems and the petals and stigma are arranged in groups of three. The monocotyledons have leaves with no stems and the petals and stigma are arranged in groups of there. The monocoty... GOOOOAAAAL! The mocostemsting... No, the monocopetal... No, no! Let's see. The motido... Oh, dear, what was it? The mono...
1090en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1090, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: Mama, Mafalda's staying for tea!Susanita's mother: Good.Susanita: One thing, though. My mama doesn't like tea to get cold. So when she calls we mustn't make her wait more than two or three dead.
0934en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0934, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Less than a month to go for the three kings' day, right, mama?Mama: That's right.Mafalda: They come from the middle east, don't they?Mama: Yees, of course.Mafalda: Tch! I wonder if they are arabs or israelis?Mama: They have always remained abouve political issues, dear.Mafalda: How very convenient that they are kings so as not to explain anything, eh?
0912en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0912, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It'll me christimas in a month!Miguelito: Lovely. We can start building the manger with the three kings and Santa Claus bringing gifts!Mafalda: Really!? Santa Claus did not take gifts to the manger.Miguelito: You don't say. So the fat guy was a tight fist! Look at that!
0837en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0837, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoSusanita: You see? In the end, only you, pepita and I got a 10 for drawing. And really the teacher was right. All three pictures were equally good, and you couldn't say that one was better than the others. Damn the day I was taught to be modest!
ltfsp050798 ANGELI, LUKE & TANTRA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 05.07.1998Diálogo- Muito bem, vamos começar o ensaio! One, two, three... AAAHHHHHH. Pela última vez: quem canta aqui sou eu!
ltfsp080798 ANGELI, LUKE & TANTRA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 08.07.1998Diálogo- Enfim, Tantra a baixista da banda, tem o seu momento solo.- One, two, three. KON. KONK. TOM. TOM. Droga, fiz xixi!
skfsp290797 ANGELI, SKROTINHOS, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 29.07.1997Diálogo- Êta, vendedora bonita!!- Fascinante!- Vamos entrar e comprar alguma coisa!?- É, pra ver de perto!- Bom dia, tem calça three legs?- Tamanho enorme!
0601en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0601, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Hello! Mafalda, do you have a hammer you could lend me, please?Mafalda: Of course, Miguelito. Come in. Will this do?Miguelito: Fantastic! As soon as I'm done, I'll bring it back.Mafalda: Are you fixing something at home?Miguelito: No... No.. I want to start my list for the three wise men from zero.
0614en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0614, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Let's see, 9 down says, "they move from here to there".Mafalda: I've got it, Felipe!Felipe: Three letters, eh!Mafalda: Aah! No, then "local scientists" is too long.
0600en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0600, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What are you going to ask the three wise men for, Susanita?Susanita: Well... I don't know. The wise men are so good that I'll be happy with whatever they bring me. But green, with a battery horn on the handlebars and stabilizers so I won't fall off!
0603en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0603, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Well, what did you ask the three wise men for, Mafalda?Susanita: The prohibition of nuclear, wrapons, or something like that. She's always on about stupid things like that!Mafalda: A story book, a bolly and a boll's house, Felipe.Miguelito: What's up, Susanita? Why are you running?Susanita: Feminine intuition.
0602en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0602, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tomorrow is twelfth night and the three wise men are coming, Manolito.Manolito: Yes, the three kings. I'll tell you, Mafalda. This thing about twelfth night, believe.Mafalda: So?Papa: Uh uh!Manolito: Well... You begin to realise.Mafalda: Realise what?Manolito: That as businessmen they're useless. Where have you seen that they give away products year, after year, after year? Eeeeeeeeh?
0403en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0403, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Three cheers for our country! Hip hip! Hurray! Hip hip!Papa: What's going on, Mafalda? Today's not a national holiday.Mafalda: I don't care! I love my country everyday; Not just when the calendar feels like it!
0395en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0395, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Hup - two - three - four! Hup - two - three - four! Haaaalt! Aaaat ease. Discarrrd! Prrrroceeed! Forget Geneva! That would be the way to secure disarmament!
0323en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0323, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tomorrou I'll be six. How time flies! Going back a bit in my past, there's my fives; A bit further and there's my fours... And then my threes and my twos, and my one, and my... My what?
0314en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0314, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Lucky flies! They don't have to go to school. I'd like to be a fly! To fly free, and not have to learn multiplication tables, and put up with trachers, and... Three ones are three. Three twos are six. Three threes are nine. Three fours.
0260en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0260, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What a lovely truck! Did the three wise men bring it?Manolito: Yes.Mafalda: So they did as expected.Manolito: Yes, it's a shame, but I've also done what everyone else expected.
0258en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0258, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Tonight the three wise men come! I'm excited... Aren't you EH! AREN'T YOU EXCITED, OR WHAT?Felipe: "Nervo-calm" pills.
0257en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0257, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It's a good job the three kings are wise men, or they wouldn't know what we the illiterate ask for.
0225en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0225, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: The index finger is incredibly important! The boss points his fingers like this and three thousand are out of work! AAAAAHH! It must be the unemployment index they go on about!
0103en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0103, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoPapa: I got three tickets for us to go to the children's theatre.Mama: Great!Papa: I think Mafalda will like it. They're great actors and they say it's a funny show. Hey, Mafalda. Guess where we're tanking you!Mafalda: I heard: congress.
PCL106608 (Man having to pay for three parking meters for very long American car) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Russell Brockbank
PCL106331 (The Three Wise Men see an advertisement for Powergen in the sky rather than a guiding star) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL111379 "King Henry VI, Part Three. Richard - Mr Paul Daneman; Edward - Mr Basil Henson; Henry VI - Mr Jack May."
PCL111504 "It's awfully kind of you, but I'm afraid we already have other plans for the three-minute warning..." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Merrily Harpur
PCL106321 (Three Wise Monkeys - and one picking his nose) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Banx (Jeremy Banks)
PCL114048 "“Just think, three weeks ago you were only a telephone number among the graffiti.”" *** Local Caption *** PUNCH magazine cartoons by William Scully
PCL108484 "The Three Baffled Huntsmen. ""So they hunted and they hollo'd till the setting of the sun, and they'd naught to bring away at last when the hunting-day was done, look ye there!""" *** Local Caption *** The Three Baffled Huntsmen
PCL100808 The Three Musketeers ; Gene Kelly *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"
PCL100555 Three Husbands ; Robert Karnes and Emlyn Williams *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"
PCL109973 "Sailors Three: Young Salts. Johnny: Michael Wilding, Tommy: Tommy Trinder, Llewellyn: Claude Hulbert" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by James Henry Dowd
PCL100557 Three Telegrams : Gerard Gervais and Pierrette Simonet *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"
PCL106325 (Three blind mice inspecting an identity parade of farmers wives) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Crime, Police, Law and Order from Punch"
PCL100553 Three Came Home ; Sessue Hayakawa and Claudette Colbert *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"
PCL107068 (A rocket ship carries the three wise monkeys into space) *** Local Caption *** Norman Thelwell cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108177 "Tripartite Pact. ""Hear no good!"" ""See no good!"" ""Speak no good!"" (the three Axis monkeys Japan, Germany and Italy sit on the Totalitarian Axis branch)" *** Local Caption *** WW2 Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL108261 "Three hundred and seventy-six, three hundred and seventy-seven, three hundred and seventy-eight. Swastikas as plain as pikestaffs." *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL107936 "We teach them the three r's-reading, writing and radiolocation." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Acanthus
PCL101595 The Big Three
PCL113231 "Arise, my love, and greet the dawn of day two of the tuna noodle casserole with three bean salad." *** Local Caption *** Henry Martin cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107134 (A man with three dogs throws two canes and a boomerang for them to chase - two dogs run after the canes whilst the other waits for the boomerang to return then catches it in his mouth)
PCL112750 "Counsel. ""The cross-examination did not seem to worry you at all. Have you had any previous experience?"" Client. ""Three wives.""" *** Local Caption *** "Interwar Law, Divorce cartoons from Punch magazine"
PCL108241 "Three three-ha' pennies, please - two rear-admirals below." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Anton
PCL113078 "Beau Geste. ""Three cheers for the star-spangled tricolor! Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue!""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL113177 "Aston Villa, two; Blackburn Rovers, three..." *** Local Caption *** "Aston Villa, two; Blackburn Rovers, three..."
PCL113532 "A thousand pounds' worth of three per-cent. National Defence Bonds and a three-ha' penny stamp, please." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108479 "The Three Anti-Musketeers. Representatives of England, France and Italy (in various voices). ""Confound that boy!""" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108258 "Three Jovial Huntsmen. They hunted and they hollo'd, an' the first thing they did find was a tatter't boggart in a field, an' that they kept in mind. One said it was a boggart, an' another he said ""Nay, it's just a German Fuehrer and he's almost had his day.""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL114753 "(A monk cuts out the picture of a Page Three Girl, colours in a nun's habit on the picture then hangs it on the wall while watched by his boss)" *** Local Caption *** "Religion, Sex and Media cartoons from Punch magazine by Holte (Trevor Holder)"
PCL100552 Three Jolly Beggars. *** Local Caption *** Interwar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113117 "B.B. Secrecy. "" Three mute mice, see how they're done! They all ran after the wireless wife; she cut off their tales with a whittler's knife. Did ever you see such a thing in your life as three mute mice?"" (Sir Austen Chamberlain, Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Winston Churchill have shown resentment at Mr. J. H. Whitley's refusal to allow them to broadcast their political views.)" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL114001 "“No biting, no gouging—best of three falls gets the armchair.”"
PCL108476 "The Three Emperors; Or, the Ventriloquist of Varzin!" *** Local Caption *** Victorian cartoons from Punch
PCL110320 "Poker and Tongs; Or, how we've got to play the game. Kaiser. ""I go three dreadnoughts."" John Bull. ""Well, just to show there's no ill-feeling, I raise you three.""" *** Local Caption *** Edwardian Era Cartoons from Punch
PCL108507 "The Sunlight-Loser. Kaiser (as his sainted Grandfather's clock strikes three). ""The British are just putting their clocks back an hour. I wish I could put ours back about three years.""" *** Local Caption *** FH Townsend cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110065 "Reluctant Swains. Germania (under the mistletoe). ""Do you know you're the only three gentlemen who've kissed me?"" The Dauntless Three (aside). ""And we couldn't very well get out of it!""" *** Local Caption *** Reluctant Swains Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108247 "Three plain, four purl..." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110630 "Oh, I'd say it's about ten minutes to three." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons on Holidays-Motoring-Transport
PCL112727 "Crowded Out. ""Get on, number three!""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL113326 "And now, gentlemen, we come to item three on the agenda." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105493 “Seven” “Four” “Eight” “Twenty-three” “Thirty-seven” *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL109280 "The Dauntless Three. ""Let's all be equally dauntless.""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL105553 “My accountant has given me three months to live.” *** Local Caption *** Modern Social Commentary Cartoons by David Hawker from PUNCH Magazine
PCL106322 (Three Civil Service men on a stage playing as a string trio but with only one cello) *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Music from Punch
PCL100559 Thompson's the name. Don't you remember? You sacked me three years ago. *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Anton
PCL108245 "Three Worlds. ""It seems to make conversation so difficult.""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about the Cold War from Punch
PCL113392 "Amateur ""Minimus Poet"" (who has called at the office twice a week for three months). ""Could you use a little poem of mine?"" Editor (ruthlessly determined that this shall be his final visit). ""Oh, I think so. There are two or three broken panes of glass, and a hole in the skylight. How large is it?""" *** Local Caption *** A use for poetry
PCL106326 (Three builders lined up at a pub counter showing a fine display of builder's bottoms) *** Local Caption *** Ed McLachlan Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103633 I switched it off the last three times - it's your turn. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL108256 "Three more mixed metaphors from the government benches yesterday, comrade." *** Local Caption *** The language of government
PCL113486 "Actually, my twin brother is the elder by about three years." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Banx (Jeremy Banks)
PCL111695 "Ike's drum. Ike is in his bunker and three thousand miles away (capten, art tha sleepin' there below?)"
PCL109908 "Seedy Sam (threateningly). ""No, Mum, I ain't had a bite for three days, an' I won't take my foot out till——"""
PCL104748 But you must remember that I outnumbered them by one to three. *** Local Caption *** "Punch Cartoons on WW2, Battle of Britain, The Second World War"
PCL107888 "Well, if they don't come in three minutes, they'll have to storm the defences." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Rowland Emett
PCL107084 (A prehistoric couple in their cave home look proudly at the three flying perydactyl ornaments on the wall) *** Local Caption *** Mike Williams cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108480 "The Three Charmers. ""Let the tune be harmonious, but austere.""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL103870 How many more times must I tell you - THREE p's in Peppiatt. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Crime, Police, Law and Order from Punch"
PCL100626 They spend three years in the Atlantic and then run up the rivers to spawn. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Merrily Harpur
PCL108320 "They Have Not Passed. After three years of fighting in Korea, there are no North Korean or Chinese forces south of the 38th parallel."
PCL113832 "“We make nonsense of those PEP statistics that two out of three homes have a cat, a dog and a caged bird.”"
PCL114036 "“Listen, Doc—if this tribe had any off-beat sexual rites, I shouldn’t be sitting on three rejected novels.”"
PCL105676 “I want the kind where people can’t see how humane I am until they get within three feet.” *** Local Caption *** Really good fake fur
PCL107975 "'Was he very much cast down after he'd spoken to papa?"" ""Yes. Three flights of stairs!""" *** Local Caption *** A marriage proposal
PCL114181 "“He walked out on her, leaving her with three young children and her husband.”" *** Local Caption *** Sally Artz Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112647 "Distracted mother (breathlessly). ""Three-and-a-'alf wit's-end return tickets for Clacton, please.""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons from the Inter-War period in Punch
PCL113841 "“Three-and-a-half years in the sculpture school, Jennifer, and you can’t even make a decent effigy.”" *** Local Caption *** "Art, Students cartoons from Punch magazine by George Sprod"
PCL112892 "CARDS ON THE TABLE. Herr Hitler. ""Let them play their 'Tri-Lateral Contract' if they want to; I'm going to make THIS come out."" (Hitler plays his own card game of 'Impatience' with 'Treats Revision, Colonies, Air Force, Equality, Ludendorff and Conscription' on the table while holding 'Navy' and 'Swastika' cards in his hands; 'The Rules of Three-Handed Stresa' on the wall behind him)" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113026 "Blind-man's buff. (As played by the police.) ""Turn round three times, and catch whom you may!""" *** Local Caption *** Victorian era crime cartoons from Punch magazine by John Tenniel
PCL107165 (A man mows the lawn while sitting in a deck reading chair with three sheep on a string eat their way around him) *** Local Caption *** Kenneth Mahood cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105778 “How would you feel about three and a half per cent and real leather elbows?” *** Local Caption *** Albert (Albert Rusling) Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105979 ‘Tragic case - three years ago he forgot his PIN number’ *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"

Total de Resultados: 245

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