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aitroc21095 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, TROCADILHO, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 2021.DiálogoJohn Fante.john Elefante.John Fanta.
aitroc21049 ADÃO ITURRUSGARAI, TROCADILHO, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 2021.DiálogoJohn Galliano.John Galinhando.
1553en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1553, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMan 1: There's no civic honesty, nothing!Man 2: No real men, my dear John, no men!Maflada: Oh, no!? And what's my father? A lamp post?Man 1: At your age, little girl, we respected our seniors!Man 2: And when they spoke we shut up!Mafalda: Psss, perhaps you had nothing to say?!
anfsp150714 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 15.07.2014.Diálogo- DISCOTECA BÁSICA.- Patti Smith. Horses/Horses. Elmore James John brim. Whose Muddy Shoes. Mad Season. Above.
anfsp290408 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 29.04.2008.Diálogo- O punk foi devorado pelos Elton Johns mutantes!- Veja! A chave! Alô, gêmeos Kowalski chamando! Alguém aí?- Aqui não há água, não há comida, o ar é raro... E, pior: punk is dead!
anfsp270508 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 27.05.2008.Diálogo- Alô, alguém nos escuta? Somos os gêmeos Kowalski! Sobrevivemos ao fim do mundo. Aqui não há mais luz do dia, perdemos a noção do tempo.- Respirar é praticamente impossível, os alimentos petrificam e qualquer líquido vira vapor! E mais: os banheiros públicos estão entupidos de Elton Johns mutantes.
anfsp260408 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 26.04.2008.Diálogo- Qual é desse punk velho? Nos prende e serve essa nojeira pra comer.- Elton Johns mutantes... Blerg!- E, de sobremesa: Phil Collins.
anfsp100608 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 10.06.2008.Diálogo- Por que nos jogou aqui?- Que lugar é este?- A bacia das almas!- Não vejo nenhuma alma por aqui.- É? Então, o que são esses Elton Johns vagando aí em cima?
wsfsp170807 ANGELI, WOOD & STOCK, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 17.08.2007.Diálogo- Stock, o Bob Dylan já morreu?- Claro que não, Wood! Ele continua o Dylan de sempre!- Ele e a Yoko não foram assassinados por um fã?- Isso aconteceu com John Lennon e Yoko não morreu!- E Elvis? O que anda fazendo?- Putz, esclerosou!
anfsp070307 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 07.03.2007.Diálogo- Os fósseis dos anos oitenta.- Dentes identificados como sendo do cantor John Lyndon, da banda Pil. Luminoso em neon, provavelmente de algum bar new wave. Ingresso do show beneficente Live Aid. Artefato supostamente usado com ficha telefônica.
wsfsp080705 ANGELI, WOOD & STOCK, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 08.07.2005.Diálogo- STOCK EM MULHER DE AMIGO.- Uau! Essa é a sua gaveta de calcinhas? Vista uma pra eu ver, vista?- Sim!- Tá! Vou pôr uma que o Wood odeia!- Por quê? É muito safada?- Não! Porque tem uma estampa do Elton John!- Hum... Que tesão!
wsfsp140705 ANGELI, WOOD & STOCK, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 14.07.2005.Diálogo- STOCK EM MULHER DE AMIGO.- Que demora pra abrir a porta da minha casa, Stock!?- Pô, bitcho, eu tenho calos nos pés, andar rápido é barra!- Ô, Stock, você estava transando com a minha mulher?- Magina, cara!- Então, o que você faz com a calcinha do Elton John da Lady Jane?- Daniel, my brother.
anfsp030804 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 03.08.2004.Diálogo- Angeli review. ALGUMAS COISAS QUE ODEIO DA MINHA GERAÇÃO.- O número excessivo de Che Guevaras por metro quadrado.- Lembre-se, querido: tudo pela implantação da ditadura do proletariado!- Dane-se!- A bregalização do heterossexualismo.- Ora, seja um cara culto e me dê um beijo na boca!- Sinto muito, mas só fiz até a 1ª série ginasial!- Consumo de quinquilharias indianas.- O que achou desse incenso que eu trouxe de Marrakech?- UAAAAAARG!! Acho que terei que vomitar!- O Elton John.
anfsp090101 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 09.01.2001Diálogo- Grandes Momentos da Minha Paranomalidade.- Debaixo de todas as crostas e arranhões daquele velho disco de vinil, havia uma música. Eu teria de identificá-la. De repente uma pressão na cabeça, calor, suores frios... Algo ali estava me causando uma sensação horrível. Quase morri! Mas eu identifiquei!- NÃO!! ELTON JOHN, NÃO!!- Oh, oh, oh, Daniel, my brother...
anfsp150601 ANGELI, ANGELI EM CRISE, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 15.06.2001Diálogo- Devo admitir que gosto de pornografia. Cumshots, blowjobs, zoofilia, bizarrices... Nada disso me causa constrangimento. Agora, acho muito nojento aquele tão de Elton John.
ltfsp230499 ANGELI, LUKE & TANTRA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 23.04.1999Diálogo- Orelha, quando você irá pagar os 10 paus que deve aqui no bar?- Tô durango! Aquele hippie velho da loja de CD me mandou embora e eu me recusei a receber os meus direitos.- Mas, por que?- Ele queria me pagar com CDs do Pink Floyd e do Elton John!
ltfsp030499 ANGELI, LUKE & TANTRA, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 03.04.1999Diálogo- Aí, Orelha? Vendeu algum CD?- Pela manhã, quase vendi cinco CDs duplos!- Por que "quase"? O freguês desistiu de comprar?- Eu me recusei a vender! Sei lá, eram todos do Elton John!
anfsp171197 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 17.11.1997THE BEST OF ROCK 'N' ROLL SINGERSDiálogo- Nick Bruce, The Gumble. John Ron Frisco, The Clack Jade. Bernard Collins, The Mannerless. Charles Adams, The Revel.
236-11sp MACANUDO, VOLUME 11, ESPANHOL, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogo- ¿A quién señalaba John Travolta cuando bailaba? ¡A Rolando Sandrini, el hombre más ubicuo del mundo!
0066sp TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 0066, ESPANHOL, EDICIONES DE LA FLOR.Diálogo- "The boys are in the classroom. Tell me, John: Are the boys in the living-room? No, sir. The boys are in the class-room"Mafalda: ¡Tropas extranjeras han invadido el país y ocupado las radios!- "Y así termina una lección más de nuestro curso radial: 'Aprendamos inglés'."Mafalda: ¡alarmistas!
PCL109382 "The Brummagem Frankenstein. John Frankenstein Bright. ""I have no fe—fe—fear of ma—manhood suffrage!"""
PCL110803 "Not So Very Unreasonable!!! Eh?"" John. ""My mistress says she hopes you won't call a meeting of her creditors; But if you will leave your bill in the usual way, it shall be properly attended to.""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108811 "The New Crew. ""Now, Gentlemen - Pull Together This Time, If You Please.""" *** Local Caption *** Royalty cartoons from Punch John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112894 "Captain Horatio Hornblower , RN ; Gregory Peck , Virginia Mayo and Robert Beatty ...Tom Brown ' s School Days ; John Charlesworth John Forrest , John Howard Davies and Robert Newton" *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"
PCL113567 "A Saving Grace. Little John Bull. ""What did you do in the Great War, daddy?"" Big John Bull. ""Well, to judge by what I've been reading lately, I did everything wrong - except lose it."" (John Bull in his living room reading newspaper articles by Percy Scott and books by John Jellicoe, John French and Jackie Fisher after WW1)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL109533 "The ""Judicious Bottle-Holder;"" or, Downing Street Pet. ""Bless you! it's all Chaff - Won't come to a Fight. Old Nick's got no Constitootion - and then I'm Bottle-Holder on t'other side, too!""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108862 "The Ministerial Crisis. Showman. ""On your right you will perceive a Prime Minister a bolishing of hisself. And over your left is another Prime Minister a bolishing of the Corn-Laws."" Master John Bull. ""But which is the Prime Minister?"" Showman. ""Which ever you please, my little dear. You pays your money, and you takes your choice.""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106342 (The Searchers) Ethan Edwards - John Wayne
PCL100688 There's a man in the bath! *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL100111 You don't LOOK eighteen. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL111456 "I've been reincarnated, but as what?" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL102398 Pin Money. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110183 "Punch Front Cover, 22nd June 1983 - ""I didn't think they's be able to rush it through Parliament in time for Wimbledon."" (a cartoon shows tennis player John McEnroe being hung at a tennis match at Wimbledon)"
PCL109728 "Sowing Tares. (With a thousand apologies to Sir John E Millais, Bart., RA.)"
PCL105069 American Kennel Club? That will do nicely. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL100896 The Searchers : Ethan Edwards - John Wayne
PCL104763 Bursting of the Russian Bubble. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110539 "Open a window, will you? Mr Mulliner is leaving." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL110585 "Okay, who ordered the coq without the vin?" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL113760 "“You like it? Take it, sweetie, it’s yours.”" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL110662 "Oh Lord, I left my worries on the doorstep!" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL106836 (Caricature of John McEnroe) *** Local Caption *** Trog cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101279 The General Fast (Asleep). Humiliating - Very! *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102113 Puritans' Penance. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112299 "For heaven's sake! Pay it, or make a scene. One or the other." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL104387 Doreen Cresswell just called me a smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch! *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL112814 "Cock - A - Doodle - Doo; Or, The Great Protectionist." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105190 A Nice Bracing Day at the Sea-side. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111308 "Lets just break a few eggs, Harry - to hell with the omelette!" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL102541 Passing Through (John Updike) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Literature, Authors and Writers from Punch"
PCL112017 "Hello, Martin - don't often see you in this neck of the woods." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL110114 "Quiet, please! Has ANYONE brought a bottle?" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL100105 You know what worries me? I've never seen an old caterpillar. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL104522 Crystal Palace - some varieties of the human race. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102546 Passing Through (John Landis) *** Local Caption *** Trog cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109432 "The Best Advice; or, the Modern Abernethy. John Bull. ""Such a tightness in my chest."" Mr Punch. ""Tightness in your chest. Oh! Pooh, pooh! Read my book!"""
PCL100956 The Queen Dissolving Parliament. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103405 Interesting and Valuable Result. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101413 The Chartist Processsion According to the Signatures of the Petition. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109770 "Sorry, chief, but a minor parking offence doesn't entitle you to police brutality." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL113759 "“You’re a woman, Murchison. I like that in an opportunist.”" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL110979 "My God, Kevin, I've lost the will to unwind!" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL104479 Design for a Fountain. To be placed in the transept on the shilling days. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112242 "Fried snake, fried cockroaches, fried dog, fried bat! My God - everything's FRIED!" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL114577 "(Two dogs looking at notice for ""Kill-it-Yourself buffet."")" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL100081 You see? He's a different dog when he smiles. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL108989 "The Irish Joseph Ady. Paddy hearing ""something to his advantage.""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103071 Lunchtime Concert: New Work by John Cage *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Merrily Harpur
PCL111796 "I may be a mere male, but at least I'm resplendent." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL113222 "Arthur's so pleased - he's got a contract for the Borough Council.""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL103048 Manager Peel Taking His Farewell Benefit. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107553 "You again, Mr Philbean? Dear me, dear me, don't you ever get away with ANYTHING?" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL102624 Pass the Mustard! - Life in an American Hotel? *** Local Caption *** Life in an American Hotel? John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110541 "One to the Good. John Bull, ""Back from Africa?"" Colonel Sir James Willcocks, ""Yes, Sir - Ashanti."" John Bull. ""Ah, to be sure! The war that really is over! Bravo!""" *** Local Caption *** Victorian Era Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102957 Mr John Smith? Never heard of him. *** Local Caption *** WW2 Office Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103205 John Bull's Family Christmas Party. *** Local Caption *** Victorian Era Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110615 "Oh, no, nothing so grand! He's only a John the Baptist freak." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Bud Handelsman
PCL112089 "'Gregory's an artist - he doesn't have to MEAN anything, he just IS.'" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL111307 "Let's see, now - I'm sure we can fit you in somewhere." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL108988 "The Irony of Circumstance. Mr. John Redmond. ""Well, if I can't rule in Dublin, I can here!"" (John Redmond sits as a king on a throne at the Houses of Parliament, carrying the orb of the British Constitution)" *** Local Caption *** Edwardian Era Ireland Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL103404 Interesting Group Posed for a Daguerreotype by a friend of the family. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102543 Passing Through (John Mortimer) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Literature, Authors and Writers from Punch"
PCL108290 "This is a smoking carriage, madam. Kindly move to a non-smoker or light up." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL111419 "John Bull ""Remembers, Remembers.""" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL112776 "Conflicting Interests; or, John Bull's Motor Problem." *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113009 "Boys, this is Constable Wilkins, who's here to deliver a lot of of sentimental twaddle about crossing the road safely." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL102940 Mr Punch's Personalities. XV. - Mr John Masefield. *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL100373 We get him in once a month to say Grace over the Tandoori chicken. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL104320 Every full moon he turns into something boring and stays in all night. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL107878 "Well, I've been in three or four documentaries, two feature films and loads of commercials, of course. Mostly as a dog." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by John Donegan
PCL102368 Poets' Corner. 4. John Betjeman. *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"
PCL113525 "A Two-Sided Triangle. John Bull. ""In this pact you will see that I have undertaken to help each of you in the event of an attack by the other. May I ask if you propose to do the same for me?"" France. ""That goes without saying."" John Bull. ""Still, I think it might be well to have it said."" [John Bull holds a Security Pact]" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108949 "The Ladies of the Creation; Or, how I was cured of being a strong-minded woman. The Barrister." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104364 Effects of a Strike Upon the Capitalist and Upon the Working Man. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113011 "Boy. ""I say, Sir - heave us up to have a look at them at them pictures!""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101253 The Great Lozenge-Maker. A Hint to Paterfamilias. *** Local Caption *** The Great Lozenge-Maker John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113224 "Art-Progress. Artist (!) ""Now, mum! Take orf yer 'ead for sixpence, or yer 'ole body for a shillin'!""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102379 Pleasures of Housekeeping. Mr Briggs tries his Horse - Striking Effect on meeting one of those nasty Omnibusses. *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109221 "The Educational Question. ""Between two stools he comes to the ground."" - Old Proverb." *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113084 "Battleground ; John Hodiak , Van Johnson and James Whitmore" *** Local Caption *** "Celebrity caricatures of stars of Film, Arts, Sport in Punch magazine by R S Sherriffs"

Total de Resultados: 1.108

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