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ccm905491sp TIRA CALOI, CLEMENTE ES MUNDIAL 1990, EDITORIAL PLANETA, ESPANHOL.Diálogo¡A 26 yornos nel mondiale!Clemente: ¡Qué lástima sería que Valdano fuera desafectado de la selección! Porque perderíamos algo más que un jugador muy importante pal funcionamiento del equipo. Sobre todo quines, como yo, viven de improvisar consignas irónicas, canticos intecionados y necesitamos de elementos que rimen, digamos fácilmente. Imagínese: "Valdano". Una rima al alcance de la mano.
anfsp140697 ANGELI, FOLHA DE S. PAULO, 14.06.1997LISTEN TO THE MUSICDiálogo- Zé Galinha, Iron Maiden, Kiss e King Diamond. Mário Terra, Michael Jackson e boys II man. Béreba, Djavan, Gil, Milton e Bob Marley. Malcon King. Acid jazz e soul music.
PCL109625 "Table Manners. ""It's that Iron Curtain again."""
PCL114655 "(Man contemplating noose and woman commenting: ""For God's sake. You can't wear it like that - let me iron it!)" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Merrily Harpur
PCL112507 "Electrification,' they says: and gone, gone is the wonder and romance of the Iron Road!" *** Local Caption *** Electrification - gone is the wonder and romance of the Iron Road!
PCL113057 "Bentley's Gallery. President de Gaulle. It is said of President de Gaulle That the iron has entered his soul; Pig-iron, one assumes it to be, In a man as obstinate as he." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Nicolas Bentley
PCL111574 "Iron horse on its way. Buffet-car open, serving coffee, tea, hot toasted sandwiches." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons on Holidays-Motoring-Transport
PCL109161 "The Flight That Failed. The Emperor. ""What! No babes, Sirrah?"" The murderer. ""Alas! Sire, none."" The Emperor. ""Well, then, no babes, no Iron Crosses."" [Exit murderer, discouraged." *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101198 The Iron Sickle *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL108968 "The Knight Repellent. Distressed Damsel. ""Sir knight, I am in sorry case. I pray you safeguard me."" Sir Stanley: ""As I told you madam, in 1925, when you made a similar application, I desire to avoid the possibility of repercussions which would expose me to the charge of philandering with the principle of protection."" (Passes on.) [the damsel is the Iron and Steel Industry]" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106624 (Man at a cafe using a plate of spaghetti as a straw to drink wine from a bottle) *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about Food
PCL109990 "Ruins of Empire. Shade of Bismark. ""I built with blood and iron, and only blood remains."" (the ghost of Bismarck watches as Germany is destroyed with revolution, pillars lie collapsed and people kill eachother amid the flames after WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL109116 "The Giant's Robing-Room. Hitler. ""What I want is something a little like all of these, but in the latest German style."" (for inspirartion Hitler looks at various leaders costumes: Napoleon - The Man of Destiny; Bismarck - The Blood and Iron; Mussolini - The Black Shirt; Caesar - The Aut Nihil)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Cartoons from Punch magazine by Raven Hill
PCL111158 "Me, I'd take a 5-iron, fade it slightly to the top of the right-hand bunker, and let it roll gently down the slope to within about a foot of the pin ..." *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109665 "Striking in the West. ""When are you going to put up your Iron Cross?""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL111410 "Just a moment while I finish this spot of ironing, and we'll be with you." *** Local Caption *** Finishing a spot of ironing
PCL105177 A Prussian court-painter earning an Iron Cross by painting pictures in praise of the Fatherland for neutral consumption. *** Local Caption *** George Morrow Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107209 (A man and woman kiss politely whilst their dog snarl at each other)
PCL108570 "The Second Time of Asking. Bosch (with visions of the conquest of Egypt). ""I suppose he knows the way there."" Camel (overhearing). ""AND back!"" (a fully laden Turkish camel with poison gas, water, iron crosses and whips takes a rest from its German soldier rider during WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL108006 "Voice from behind (to hospital staff lined up for combing-out re-examination). ""Now, boys! Got your water-bottles, iron-rations and smoke helmets? Well, then, over the top and good luck to you!""" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by James Henry Dowd
PCL112943 "But, man, THEY threw it at ME!" *** Local Caption *** Modern Social Commentary Cartoons by David Hawker from PUNCH Magazine
PCL107092 (A police man about to steal an apple from a tree is eyed suspiciously by a passing school boy) *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL110329 "Poor Consolation. Parisian. ""Courage, mon ami; 'Am I mot a man and a brother?'""" *** Local Caption *** John Leech Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL100041 You're a man - you must have some idea what I should buy my husband for Christmas? *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael Heath
PCL106548 (Man whose desk is too full of technological hardware to work writes on the floor with a pen and paper) *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Business and Office life from Punch
PCL113092 "Barging Through. ""Now then, now then. There's a right and a wrong way of doing things, you know."""
PCL109961 "Sam Hinchcliffe Looks Back: “Aye lad, many’s the bath I’ve ‘ad in front of that fire!”" *** Local Caption *** Bill Tidy cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107556 "Yokel. ""'Ow fast can she travel, master?"" Owner. ""Fifty miles an hour, my man—even sixty if I care to push her."" Yokel. ""An' 'ow many if ye both shove?""" *** Local Caption *** Early Motoring Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110033 "Retribution. Mr A, who claims to have done more for the cycle and motor-car industry than any man, has been ordered walking exercise by his doctor. This is his first Saturday afternoon in a northern suburb." *** Local Caption *** Early Motoring Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104475 Design for a Nationalized Industry. (A natural sequel to British Railways' Old-English-Taverns-on Wheels). *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL113629 "A man describing himself as a theatrical entertainer admitted breaking into a grocer's shop, where he was surprised by the proprietor, who flung him right over the counter. Few people have had the opportunity of throwing an actor at some eggs." *** Local Caption *** Tthrowing an actor at some eggs
PCL111585 "Indignant patriot (to Local Food Committee). ""I wish to report that there's a grocer in this town who is selling butter, sugar and jam without coupons. He — "" Food Committee (as one man, ecstatically). ""Which is his shop?""" *** Local Caption *** "Inter War Rations, Food cartoons from Punch magazine"
PCL109228 "The Drowning Robot. ""Just hold on for twelve months or so.""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL110915 "Nice homely atmosphere this place has, Charlie." *** Local Caption *** Norman Thelwell cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106179 ...so I wrote to my MP and finally got back the job I was doing before the war. *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL101461 The C.O.; A Man's Man. (a WW1 cartoon shows a commanding officer with anger management issues shouting at soldiers and officers of all rank only to be scared of his wife when he returns home) *** Local Caption *** WW1 Cartoons from Punch magazine by HM Bateman
PCL104600 Cor! That was a bit of luck...he's just been unfrocked! *** Local Caption *** Bill Tidy cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104281 Festung Europa *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL101639 The Arming of the Knight *** Local Caption *** The Arming of the Knight
PCL103580 I understand you've sacked your gardener. *** Local Caption *** Albert (Albert Rusling) Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111893 "How about coming back to my place, cooking supper, putting the kids to bed and ironing me a shirt?" *** Local Caption *** Matt cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL104477 Design at Work *** Local Caption *** Design at Work
PCL104818 Blimey - Clay! *** Local Caption *** Blimey - Clay!
PCL103842 I assume they'll be returned to me in good condition after the war.
PCL104630 Competition between Indians and whites was fierce. *** Local Caption *** Cartoons about Business and Office life from Punch
PCL106445 (Prisoner hanging in irons in cell whose length being marked on the wall by guard) *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Crime, Police, Law and Order from Punch"
PCL114161 "“How about coming back to my place, cooking supper, putting the kids to bed and ironing me a shirt?”" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL114316 "“A bit hyper-sensitive today, Ned?”" *** Local Caption *** Mike Williams cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL100415 Wallscape with Figures. A Midsummer Night's Dream.
PCL114079 "“If you must know, he’s a right bastard to deal with.”" *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons on Sex, Sexism, Relationships and Family from Punch"
PCL100802 the Tower of Safety *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL101013 The Peculiar Peacemaker *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL104250 For Services Rendered. A German decoration for British strikers. *** Local Caption *** For Services Rendered Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106077 ‘I love it when spring arrives and all the buds start coming out.’ *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL104194 Gerald! There's something growing in the garden again! *** Local Caption *** Sally Artz Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL100265 What wine goes with husky? *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about Animals, Pets, from Punch"
PCL113071 "before long, life in the countryside seems likely to become complicated." *** Local Caption *** "Cartoons about City life, Country life and Society, from Punch"
PCL113314 "And you will observe, gentlemen, that besides holding exactly five inches of water my utility bath will save large quantities of material."
PCL113469 "After the Holidays. ""Any more for Westminster?""" *** Local Caption *** After the Holidays
PCL113124 "Ave Atque Cave. League of Nations. ""Delighted to welcome you in our midst, but just one word of advice: don't rattle your - er - ploughshare too much."" (ironic cartoon showing the League of Nations welcoming Germany back to her house during the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL108827 "The New ""Battle of The Baltic."" Tirpitz (after Nelson - with a difference). ""I see no Russian victory!"" (an ironic WW1 cartoon shows Admiral von Turpitz looking into his telescope with his eyepatch while German ships are sunk behind him)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL111319 "Legal Improvements. Another saving. During the adjournment, their lordships will assist in the refreshment department. Thirsty Attorney. ""Not too much froth on, my lud!"" (an ironic Victorian cartoon shows a judge serving a pint of beer to a barrister)" *** Local Caption *** Victorian cartoons from Punch magazine by E T Reed
PCL101985 Sam Hinchcliffe Looks Back *** Local Caption *** Bill Tidy cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL100158 Working the Points. *** Local Caption *** Edward Linley Sambourne Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL106661 (impoverished pianist notating music from polluted environment) *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL100496 Tudor Style II
PCL112235 "From Fence to Fencer. Mr A J Cook. ""This is the horse you've got to ride."" Mr MacDonald (to himself). ""Well, if I must, I must. But I shall miss the comparative security of my present mount."" (ironic cartoon showing Ramsay MacDonald riding a fence while a horse with Nationalisation Of Mines is readied for him during the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL113266 "Any old non-ferrous metal, any old non-ferrous metal, any, any, any old non-ferrous metal?"
PCL105387 “This is what comes of feeding her that stuff which prolongs active life.”
PCL108944 "The Lastest Air-Raid. Scene - Luxurious Restaurant of Capacious and Eligible Hotel. First Indispensable. ""I see there's been some talk of commandeering The British Museum for the Air Board."" Second Ditto. ""Well, what about it? They might have taken a place that really matters - like this."" (two footmen at a luxury restaurant in London make an ironic comment about food rationing during WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL109540 "That's the trouble with you men, all you want is friendship!" *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael Heath
PCL113288 "Another batch of joggers, I see." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael Heath
PCL108784 "The New Race Relations Law—Case No 1. ""It shall be unlawful for any person....to practise discrimination on the ground of colour, race, ethnic or national origins....""" *** Local Caption *** Norman Mansbridge cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103230 I've asked you here because I want a divorce. *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael Heath
PCL110849 "No, it's nothing to do with bleeding football." *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about Food
PCL107363 (A cinema on Mars advertises a science-fiction film titled 'It Came From Earth' with a picture of a typical bowler-hatted Englishman) *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael Heath
PCL106197 ...and to think if I hadn't have given up smoking I'd have had to miss out on all this. *** Local Caption *** Cartoons by Mike Williams from Punch magazine
PCL107513 "You must admit, a strict diet, abstention from alcohol and early to bed certainly keeps you fit." *** Local Caption *** "Cartons about Health, Medicine and Doctors from Punch"
PCL105372 “We are really after someone with experience.” *** Local Caption *** Albert (Albert Rusling) Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL102750 Nylon Advert - Punch April 29th 1953 *** Local Caption *** Adverts from Punch magazine
PCL113927 "“Pity you so often go unread, Watkins. Your small print is masterly.”" *** Local Caption *** PUNCH magazine cartoons by William Scully
PCL102806 Note to the superstitious. It is considered lucky for a black cat to cross your path.
PCL101904 Signing off. Your loving son *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Ronald Searle
PCL102756 Nuclear power! This will REALLY put Atlantis on the map! *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Peter Birkett
PCL101398 The committee on women's rights will now come to order. (cartoon showing an exclusively male dominated boardroom) *** Local Caption *** Sexism Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108746 "The Optimist (who has just been struck by a passing motor-car). ""Glory be! If this isn't a piece o' luck! Sure, 'tis the docthor himself that's in ut.""" *** Local Caption *** Early Motoring Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL101906 Signing off. Yours sincerely *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Ronald Searle
PCL100340 We'll have to put these lemmings in a cage or something. *** Local Caption *** Martin Honeysett cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110562 "On behalf of the boys and myself, good-night t'ye!" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons by Frank Reynolds from Punch magazine
PCL106712 (Fly fisherman's hat being attacked by fish) *** Local Caption *** The fly fisherman
PCL112212 "Funny thing is, I'm terribly brave about having babies." *** Local Caption *** Punch cartoons by Michael ffolkes (Brian Davis)
PCL114761 "(A middle aged couple are standing on the deck of a cruise ship, underneath a full moon, having an arguement)" *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons about the Vintage Lifestyle
PCL101907 Signing off. Your most obedient servant *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons by Ronald Searle
PCL103488 I'm going to sneak away early - will you clock me off? *** Local Caption *** Martin Honeysett cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL107453 "You've just ruined what, until now, had been a highly successful day." *** Local Caption *** Martin Honeysett cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL105075 Always a bit of an anti-climax- having to queue up in the rain for a No. 76 to Ponders End. *** Local Caption *** David Langdon Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109572 "Thank God, their morale remained high right up to the end." *** Local Caption *** Nick (Nicholas Hobart) cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL113068 "Beggar (to lady who is a long time getting a copper out of her purse). ""'Urry up, mum! I've lost several customers while you've been fiddlin' with that purse.""" *** Local Caption *** Trouble with the customers
PCL101192 The joke's on THEM - I'm really an agnostic. *** Local Caption *** Nick (Nicholas Hobart) cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL103350 It was a dark and stormy night... *** Local Caption *** Punch Cartoons on Holidays-Motoring-Transport

Total de Resultados: 178

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