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PEK0YA Vulcan Forges Arrows, Workshop of Raphael
2WFPK2R Vulcanus forges the wing of Cupido, Nicoletto da Modena, 1490 - 1520 print Italy paper engraving Vulcan forges Cupid's wings and arrows
2WERRDA Venus Reclining on a Bed in Vulcan's Forge, Pietro del Po, after Agostino Carracci, c. 1630 - c. 1650 print The naked Venus is lying on bed to the viewer. Behind her vulcanus hammering on a piece of metal on an anvil. On the bed, to the left of Venus is a bored looking amor. paper. ink engraving Vulcan and Venus. Vulcan forges Cupid's wings and arrows
2WEN3RW Vulcanus forges arrows and wings for Amor in the presence of Venus, Marcantonio Raimondi, 1510 - 1527 print paper engraving Vulcan forges Cupid's wings and arrows. Venus taking care of Cupid
2WD6H58 Venus and Amor in the workshop of Vulcanus, Cornelis Bos, After Maarten van Heemskerck, 1546 print Vulcanus sits with an anvil and forces the wings of Amor with the help of two naked cyclopen. On the left, a third Cycloop is triggering the fire. Venus and Amor are looking at the right. Amors Pijl and Arch are on the right on the floor. Nuremberg paper engraving Vulcan and Venus. Vulcan forges Cupid's wings and arrows
2TA0W46 Vulcan Forges Arrows for Cupid 1622-24 by Alessandro Tiarini
MKN9CK Vulcan Forges Arrows

Total de Resultados: 7

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