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2CBFWEN Pigmented large onion cells. Clear epidermal cells of an onion. Suitable as abstact background.
2CBFWE9 Onion epidermis with pigmented large cells. Clear epidermal cells of an onion. Suitable as abstact background.
2CBFWAD Onion epidermis with pigmented large cells. Clear epidermal cells of an onion. Suitable as abstact background.
2K5HCD0 Low power light microscope micrograph of a human breast nipple. It is covered by a pigmented thin skin. On the connective tissue there are many fascic
2K5HCCH Low power light microscope micrograph of a human breast nipple. It is covered by a pigmented thin skin. On the connective tissue there are many fascic
2K5HCCD Low power light microscope micrograph of a human breast nipple. It is covered by a pigmented thin skin. On the connective tissue there are many fascic
2K5HCC5 Low power light microscope micrograph of a human breast nipple. It is covered by a pigmented thin skin. On the connective tissue there are many fascic
2K5HCBY Low power light microscope micrograph of a human breast nipple. It is covered by a pigmented thin skin. On the connective tissue there are many fascic
2K5HCBM Low power light microscope micrograph of a human breast nipple. It is covered by a pigmented thin skin. On the connective tissue there are many fascic

Total de Resultados: 9

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