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2JKRP7P Portrait of Linda Nochlin and Richard Pommer, 1968. Artist; Philip Pearlstein, Oil on canvas, Brooklyn Museum. Best known for his large-scale, realist nudes, Philip Pearlstein created this double portrait of feminist curator, critic, and art historian Linda Nochlin and her second husband, Richard Pommer, in honor of the couple's wedding.
2HE0W7W Philip Pearlstein; Portrait of Linda Nochlin and Richard Pommer, 1968, Oil on canvas. Brooklyn Museum.
S1X1N3 Philip Pearlstein book and gallery space
BP0F7Y Modern American Art by Alex Katz and Philip Pearlstein, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
BP0JET Modern American Art by Alex Katz and Philip Pearlstein, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

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