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M2A0FB King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Plaster cast of the relief from the Renaissance altarpiece by German sculptor Johann Brabender (1546) from the Hildesheimer Domlettner on display in the Cathedral Museum (Dom Museum) in Hildesheim in Lower Saxony, Germany.
M2A0EY Adam and Eve. Plaster cast of the relief from the Renaissance altarpiece by German sculptor Johann Brabender (1546) from the Hildesheimer Domlettner on display in the Cathedral Museum (Dom Museum) in Hildesheim in Lower Saxony, Germany.
M2A0G2 David and Goliath. Plaster cast of the relief from the Renaissance altarpiece by German sculptor Johann Brabender (1546) from the Hildesheimer Domlettner on display in the Cathedral Museum (Dom Museum) in Hildesheim in Lower Saxony, Germany.
2JMTBWN Baltzer Johannes (1862-1940), Marienkirche in Osnabrück. Baptismal font by Johann Brabender around 1560 (1560): baptismal font in floor plan and view 1: 5. Tusche watercolor on the box, 71.8 x 41.2 cm (including scan edges) Baltzer Johannes (1862-1940): Marienkirche, Osnabrück. Taufstein von Johann Brabender um 1560

Total de Resultados: 4

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