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H67EGH Hoary Marmot basking on a rock.
2T47BRJ Hoary marmot basking on a rock,Mt. Rainier, Washington, USA
2T47BR4 Hoary marmot basking on a rock,Mt. Rainier, Washington, USA
2AWRCEN Yosemite nature notes . idence in barren rock slides so thatin case of alarm, all they have to do is MAMMALS OF YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK 67 tumble down into the intricate rock mazeto be safe. The basking points have agreat many droppings on them—elon-gate, dark and about one-half inch indiameter. Heavy as it is, this gigantic groundsquirrel can sit up straight on its hindlegs if that is necessary to obtain a betterfield of vision against the possible ap-proach of enemies. The call is a shortwhistle, though not as man-like as thatof the hoary marmot in Olympic, Mt.Rainier and Glacier National Par
BH6EWJ Hoary Marmots (Marmota caligata) basking on Rock in Sun, Yoho National Park, BC, British Columbia, Canada
A9PBR6 Female Hoary Marmot and Young with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada
A9PBR3 Hoary Marmot with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada
A9PBR0 Hoary Marmot with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada
A9PBPB Hoary Marmot with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada
A95G35 Female Hoary Marmot and Young with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada
A95G32 Female Hoary Marmot and Young with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada
A95G2D Female Hoary Marmot and Young with Latin Name of Marmota caligata basking on a Rock in the Sun in British Columbia Canada

Total de Resultados: 12

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