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R8856Y Capture de Jean le Bon.
JE9DJY Capture de Jean le Bon
HKR97R Capture de Jean le Bon
MYNK20 . English: Purim painting, untitled. Safed, Israel, 19th century. Hasidic Jews celebrating Purim with a Sephardic Jew (left). The inscription is part of a passage from the Talmud urging Jews to imbibe enough alcohol so that they will not know the difference between the phrases “cursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai.” Collection of Isaac Einhorn, Tel Aviv. (Erich Lessing/Art Resource NY) . 19th century. Unknown 442 Purim painting Safed
MWNYGT . English: Purim painting, untitled. Safed, Israel, 19th century. Hasidic Jews celebrating Purim with a Sephardic Jew (left). The inscription is part of a passage from the Talmud urging Jews to imbibe enough alcohol so that they will not know the difference between the phrases “cursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai.” Collection of Isaac Einhorn, Tel Aviv. (Erich Lessing/Art Resource NY) . 19th century. Unknown 507 Purim painting Safed
MW1AHE . English: Purim painting, untitled. Safed, Israel, 19th century. Hasidic Jews celebrating Purim with a Sephardic Jew (left). The inscription is part of a passage from the Talmud urging Jews to imbibe enough alcohol so that they will not know the difference between the phrases “cursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai.” Collection of Isaac Einhorn, Tel Aviv. (Erich Lessing/Art Resource NY) . 19th century. Unknown 506 Purim painting Safed
MP8Y70 Death of Seneca. La mort de Sénèque source : http://www.educnet.education.fr/louvre/mort/mortsen.htm infos : La mort de Sénèque, (v. fr:1684), huile sur toile 155 cm x 188 cm, Photo Erich Lessing, Louvre.edu . fr:Catégorie:Tableau de Luca Giordano . 1684. 785 La mort de seneque

Total de Resultados: 7

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