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GD1MXA Cross Section Of The Mother's Anatomy Showing The Baby Op In Uteruo Being Delivered By Forceps, Turning Baby's Head From Rop To Op. Because The Bab...
K22A99 Before childbirth, it sometimes happens that the fetus is in a position with its buttocks towards the cervix. This is the breech position (3% of births). Certain maneuvers make it possible to turn the fetus around so that its head descends into in the mothers pelvis. If the maneuvers fail, natural childbirth is still possible if the size of the mother’s pelvis allows it, if the baby is not too big, if the quantity of amniotic fluid is sufficient, and if the umbilical cord and the babys head are properly positioned.
GFEEKY 3D render representing human sperm and egg cell

Total de Resultados: 3

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