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2EGEF31 Curitiba, Parana, Brasil. 18th Feb, 2021. CURITIBA (PR), 18/02/2021 - REABERTURA DO JARDIM ZOOLOGICO - Apos quase um ano foi reaberto o Jardim Zoologico de Curitiba sendo a restrita a capacidade de 1,500 pessoas dentro da unidade de conservacao, levar agua pois os bebedouros estao desativados por causa do coronavirus. Horario de funcionamento das 10h as 16h de terca a domingo e as segundas-feiras o local e fechado para manutencao. Credit: Edson De Souza/TheNEWS2/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
RD7RAR . The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. Red Raspberries : 13, Turner—Resembles the Cuthbert in almost every characteristic. 14, U. S. 49549—Almost identical with the Cuthbert. 15, Brandywine—Ligrht red. medium size, of good quality ; season about the same as Cuthbert. 16. Cuthbert— The most popular red raspberry grown ; shape long, dark red, drupels small, firm, quality excellent; seas
PFY0MH . The encyclopedia of practical horticulture; a reference system of commercial horticulture, covering the practical and scientific phases of horticulture, with special reference to fruits and vegetables;. Gardening; Fruit-culture; Vegetable gardening. Red Raspberries : 13, Turner—Resembles the Cuthbert in almost every characteristic. 14, U. S. 49549—Almost identical with the Cuthbert. 15, Brandywine—Ligrht red. medium size, of good quality ; season about the same as Cuthbert. 16. Cuthbert— The most popular red raspberry grown ; shape long, dark red, drupels small, firm, quality excellent; seas
GK65HD 49549 -Salmon Scale- 27 lbs 27th June 1907

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