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2RCJC5D Entrance to German officers quarters located on the hillside south of a village. The entrance features a stone carving of the Kaiser's face, although it has been partially removed. This photograph was taken in Reville, Meuse, France. The image is labeled as OrtsKommandantur 45203. Photo taken by Sgt. 1st cl. C. E. Dunn, S. C on March 27, 1919.
2ANBRDG Catalogue of Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm : importers, exporters and breeders of Shire, Percheron, Belgian, Suffolk and Hackney horses . style and action, good muscle, vonderful bone and heavyquarters can not fail to attract the most discriminating judge of a drafthorse. Among the Percherona the center of interest will fall upon thetliree-year-old, iron gray stallion, Cachucha (45203). In speaking of thishorse Mr. Tiinnan very modestly asserted that he is the best Percheronstallion in America. For a combination of full chest, strong coupling andbeavj quarters it would be a very diflicult matter
GK43WT 45203 Gosse-Millerd Packing Co, Ltd - Kippered Salmon

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