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2JMX19G Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877), Cheops pyramid in Giza (without dat.): Cross-section with names, door fall, gear cross section, scale strip (re-drawing or passing). Pencil on transparent, 25.2 x 38 cm (including scan edges) Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877): Cheops-Pyramide, Gizeh
2JMX191 Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877), Cheops pyramid in Giza (without dat.): Perspective view door fall (subsequent or penetration, cf.Nrn. 44836 and 44837). Pencil on paper, 21.7 x 18.2 cm (including scan edges) Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877): Cheops-Pyramide, Gizeh
RT0GEF . Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Zoology. AcniNOPTERYGIAN IXTEKRELATIONSI Ill's • I.dliclcr dlid IJcDl 155. BSR Figure 42. Ventrolateral view of the association of the epihyal (EH) and interoperculum (lOP) of Alabes dorsalis (A) and Goblesox papillifer (B) (MCZ 44836). The interoperculum has been dissected away from the preoperculum, and the hyoid ramus pulled down, to reveal the epihyal-interoperculum joint (lEJ). Other Abbreviations: BSR, branchiostegal rays; EH, epihyal, with a condyle of the interoperculum and a fossa in the epihyal; lOP, interoperculum;
GK439M 44836 Gill Netting for Salmon

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