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2BGHGAE Histoire de la ville de Châlons-sur-Marne 44647.
2RCCGPR Lieutenant J.V. Manning, along with soldiers from the 348th Field Artillery, pose in front of the 7th Army Red Cross building in Hetzerath, Germany. Date taken: December 31, 1918. Photo ID: 44647. This image was captured by photographer Longacre, S.C.
2JMX0N6 Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877), arches and bezels from the Villa Corsini (Florence?) And Pozzuoli (without Dat.): Numerous details of different arch ores. Ink on paper, 39 x 25.3 cm (including scan edges) Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877): Bögen und Lünetten aus der Villa Corsini (Florenz ?) und Pozzuoli
PDX7FA 266 StateLibQld 1 44647 South Brisbane and wharves viewed from a hill, ca. 1889
KHH8F0 1 44647 South Brisbane and wharves viewed from a hill, ca. 1889
GK431H 44647 Right Whale to Show Whalebone (1); Sperm Whale Showing Teeth (2)

Total de Resultados: 6

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