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2DKH6BJ Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 15th Dec, 2020. (INT) Brazilian President makes a technical visit to a public market ( CEAGESP). December 15, 2020, Sao Paulo, Brazil: The President of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaroconducts a technical visit to the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazens Gerais de Sao Paulo (CEAGESP) in vila Leopoldina, which is one of the main Brazilian state-owned supply companies. It is the third largest food wholesale center in the world and the first in Brazil and Latin America.Credit: Leco Viana /Thenews2 Credit: Leco Viana/TheNEWS2/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
2JMX0CH Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877), garden design Russian garden of the Belvedere Schlosspark near Weimar (without date): two floor plans bed facilities, cut-out requirements list certificates, verso planting plan with Latin name. Pencil on paper, 15 x 9 cm (including scan edges) Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877): Gartengestaltung Russischer Garten des Schlossparks Belvedere, Weimar
RN9J29 . Anatomischer Anzeiger. Anatomy, Comparative; Anatomy, Comparative. Garbolpasti (McliRaäefflaiiiiD.'R.-P. 44528) Colli 1889 Goldene Medaille, i^ent 1889 Goldene Medaille. Allen Neuerimgen zum Trotz ist und bleibt die Carbolsäure vorläufig doch das beliebteste und gebräuchlichste Antiseptic um. Practieirende Aerzte kommen wohl täglich in die Nolhwendigkeit, Carbolwasser in verschiedener Stärke anwenden zu müssen. Nicht immer ist Carbolwasser beim Patienten vorräthig, manchmal auch die Herbeischaffung aus der Apotheke langwierig und umständlich, weshalb Aerzte stets darauf bedacht sein sollten,
RH59HG . Breviora. Zoology; Paleontology. 2011 NEW PACHYDACTYLUS FROM NAMIBIA 11. Figure 4. General habitat at the type locality of Pachydactylus etultra. View facing southeast toward the Nubib Mountains. Photograph by W. R. Branch. has a wider distribution in the region. Several specimens from the Maltahohe District assigned by Bauer, Lamb, and Branch (2006) to P. acuminatus might in fact be referable to P. etultra. These include a specimen from Sesriem (SAM 44623) and two (SAM 45524, 44528) from Tsaris Pass, respectively, 35 and 55 km from the type locality. A questionable record of P. acumi- natus
RH59H9 . Breviora. Zoology; Paleontology. Figure 4. General habitat at the type locality of Pachydactylus etultra. View facing southeast toward the Nubib Mountains. Photograph by W. R. Branch. has a wider distribution in the region. Several specimens from the Maltahohe District assigned by Bauer, Lamb, and Branch (2006) to P. acuminatus might in fact be referable to P. etultra. These include a specimen from Sesriem (SAM 44623) and two (SAM 45524, 44528) from Tsaris Pass, respectively, 35 and 55 km from the type locality. A questionable record of P. acumi- natus from the Amichab Mountains (but without
GK42TA 44528 Imperial - the latest improved Scipps and Gray -engine- we have

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