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2DKH62N Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 15th Dec, 2020. (INT) Brazilian President makes a technical visit to a public market ( CEAGESP). December 15, 2020, Sao Paulo, Brazil: The President of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaroconducts a technical visit to the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazens Gerais de Sao Paulo (CEAGESP) in vila Leopoldina, which is one of the main Brazilian state-owned supply companies. It is the third largest food wholesale center in the world and the first in Brazil and Latin America.Credit: Leco Viana /Thenews2 Credit: Fepesil/TheNEWS2/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
2JMX080 Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877), fortress with city wall and house in Semendria in Serbia (without date): Two perspective views over the Danube, two perspective views of defensive towers, cut, details (ancient Greek inscriptions), reason. Pencil on transparent, 35.7 x 28.3 cm (including scan edges) Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877): Festung mit Stadtmauer und Haus, Semendria
GK42R9 44508 Manhattanthe handsome halibut steamer of the New England Fish Co, at the company's Vancouver dock

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