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2DKFWKF Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 15th Dec, 2020. (INT) Brazilian President makes a technical visit to a public market ( CEAGESP). December 15, 2020, Sao Paulo, Brazil: The President of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro conducts a technical visit to the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazens Gerais de Sao Paulo (CEAGESP) in vila Leopoldina, which is one of the main Brazilian state-owned supply companies. It is the third largest food wholesale center in the world and the first in Brazil and Latin America.Credit: Leco Viana /Thenews2 Credit: Fepesil/TheNEWS2/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
2C3JT5H June 19, 2020, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA: Veterans and volunteers of the National Overcomers Leadership Conference carry an empty casket through the Greenwood district on Friday. Members and volunteers of the NOLC carried the casket from the Greenwood district to the Federal Courthouse to file a $150-billion lawsuit intended to serve two million small businesses in rural and marginalized communities. People attended the Juneteenth celebration in the historic Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, home of America's Black Wall Street, which marks 155 years since the Emancipation Proclamation reached
2JMX09P Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877), Roman tower in ne boisù (?) In Serbia (without date): Perspective view. Pencil on transparent, 34.9 x 28.6 cm (including scan edges) Quast Ferdinand von (1807-1877): Römischer Turm, Ne Goisu (?)
GK42R5 44505 Visitors Viewing the Alsop Tra; - thousands of visitors to the A-Y-P Exposition visited this trap during the big run

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