Un Trump Tone

Código da imagem : ny210917205804
Dimensões : 4.951 X 3.270 pixels
Resolução : 300 dpi
Orientação : horizontal
Data da foto: 21/09/2017
Tamanho máximo não comprimido : 46,3MB
Tamanho do arquivo : 10164 kb
Cor : colorida
Pauta: Un Trump Tone
Título: President Donald Trump and members of his administration listen to speeches at an event held during the United Nations General Assembly, at the Palace Hotel in New York.
Descrição: President Donald Trump and members of his administration listen to speeches at an event held during the United Nations General Assembly, at the Palace Hotel in New York, Sept. 21, 2017. As with his first overseas trip in May, the president started off on a deceptively mild and disciplined note, becoming more outspoken and sharp-elbowed as the week wore on. From left, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Vice President Mike Pence, Trump, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. (Tom Brenner/The New York Times/Fotoarena)
Local: New York / NY / Usa
Coleção: The New York Times
Crédito: Tom Brenner / The New York Times / Fotoarena
Disponibilidade: sob-consulta
Direito de uso: Direito controlado
Autorização do(a) modelo: não
Autorização da propriedade: não

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