Bush Funeral

Código da imagem : ny061218011504
Dimensões : 3.900 X 2.600 pixels
Resolução : 300 dpi
Orientação : horizontal
Data da foto: 05/12/2018
Tamanho máximo não comprimido : 29,0MB
Tamanho do arquivo : 3476 kb
Cor : colorida
Pauta: Bush Funeral
Título: People pay their respects to former President George H.W. Bush as his body lies in repose at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston.
Descrição: People pay their respects to former President George H.W. Bush as his body lies in repose at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston, Dec. 5, 2018. Bush will be buried Thursday on the grounds of his presidential library and museum at Texas A&M University in College Station, on a family plot next to Barbara, his wife of 73 years who died in April, and his daughter, Robin, who died at age 3 in 1953. (Tamir Kalifa/The New York Times/Fotoarena)
Local: Houston / TX / Usa
Coleção: The New York Times
Crédito: Tamir Kalifa / The New York Times / Fotoarena
Disponibilidade: sob-consulta
Direito de uso: Direito controlado
Autorização do(a) modelo: não
Autorização da propriedade: não

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