Butterfly Flower and Peacock - OL5819758

Código da imagem : KAACY7
Dimensões : 3.648 X 2.736 pixels
Orientação : horizontal
Data da foto: 24/09/2017
Tamanho máximo não comprimido : 28,6MB
Pauta: Butterfly Flower and Peacock - OL5819758
Título: Butterfly Flower and Peacock - OL5819758
Descrição: First, there were two peacocks.One white and one traditional. The second day, there were these two young birds. The third day,, there were the original two, one white and one traditional. It was like the white one posed for the camera and the traditional one seemed to be trying to figure out what on earth was going on. My first thoughts on the third day was that the white one had been a model in another life. Maybe, had been reincarnated as the peacock. He posed with his head tilted back and his chin up. My thoughts then, were who was the model in the past life? That's how real this pure white peacock was. He even had one pose where she stood up straight and dropped his tail feathers onto the ground like the trail on a long white wedding dress. It was surreal. Stay tuned, there will be more to come in future days, I'm sure. The butterflies were nearby as they migrated south for the winter.
Coleção: Alamy
Crédito: dallaspaparazzo / Alamy / Fotoarena
Disponibilidade: sob-consulta
Direito de uso: Royalty Free
Autorização do(a) modelo: não
Autorização da propriedade: não

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