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PCL100257 When the Boys Come Home. Peace days in Piccadilly. *** Local Caption *** WW1 Post War Soldiers Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108751 "The Optimist. ""If this is the right village then we're all right. The instructions is clear - 'Go past the post-office and sharp to the left afore you come to the church.'""" *** Local Caption *** WW1 Total War cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109404 "The Bond. The Unknown Soldiers. ""There's too much between us for any dispute to break our friendship now."" (the ghosts of a British and French soldier shake hands infront a war cemetery during the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL112643 "Division of Labour. Tommy (off to the Front - to ship-yard hand). ""Well, so long, mate; we'll win the war all right if you'll see that we don't lose it!"" (a soldier points to a poster at the docks which reads The Only Thing That Can Rob Us Of VICTORY Is A Shortage Of SHIPS during WW1)" *** Local Caption *** WW1 cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
1459080 Our Yeomanry Manoeuvres."We were posted on the extreme right, and had nothing to do until the critical moment of the engagement. We then attacked the enemy on the flank. Our charge across the level was grand, and would have been perfect but for a slight check at a ditch.".Our Voluntary Army Supplement to Punch 3 March 1915 *** Local Caption *** WW1 Great War Cartoons from Punch Magazine by Raven Hill
PCL110308 "Post-War Problems. Adjutant (who has been interrupted in his real work by a summons from colonel). ""Yes, sir?"" Temporary colonel. ""I say - er - Smith - it's so uncertain how long we shall be out here - demobilisation, you know. Er - fact is - do you think it worth my while getting another pair of breeches?""" *** Local Caption *** Arthur Wallis Mills Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL109429 "The Benevolent Debtor. M. Poincare (distributing largesse to the Little Entente and other new friends). ""There you are, my boys. Now go and buy yourselves some soldiers and guns."" [France has recently sent some eight hundred millions of francs to Poland, Roumania and Yugo-Slavia, to be expended in war-material. The French war-debt to this country, including accrued interest, now amounts to about six hundred millions sterling.]" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons by Frank Reynolds from Punch magazine
PCL108235 "To All At Home. (The baby for 1918 creates a poster with ""Stick It!"", held up by a sailor and a soldier)" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110483 "Out of the Frying Pan. War Veteran. ""They told me I was fighting for dear life, but I never dreamt it was going to be as dear as all this."" (an ex-soldier is upset to see energy and food prices have risen in the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL112316 "For Defence Only. Germany. ""I never did like the look of that old word."" (a Jack-booted German soldier puts up the letter P infront of the word Reparations to spell Preparations, while old bill poster Treaty of Versailles is tattered and falling off the wall)" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons from Punch magazine by Bernard Partridge
PCL109420 "The Bitters of Victory. Thomas Atkins (on plebiscite duty in Upper Silesia). ""What are you grousing about Jerry? You're top of the blinkin' poll, aren't you? Bit of a haul for the Fatherland."" German. ""Ach, yes. But now have we of our best reparations-evading excuse deprived been."" (cartoon showing WW1 British soldier of occupation standing infront of an industrial Upper Silesia in the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL110938 "Nemesis. Lens, 1915: Essen, 1923. ('German Coal Syndicate' is reminded of the devestation caused by Germany in The Great War at Lens in 1917)" *** Local Caption *** Nemesis Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110055 "Re-Mobbed. Sergeant Roberts. ""Now then; who said 'dismiss'? As you were! FALL IN!!!"" (a sergeant major gives orders to a line of food including a pig, a cut of beef, a fish, cheese, butter, milk and sugar during rationing after WW1)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL109033 "The Hope of the House. Unemployed Ex-Service Man (to Apprentice Bricklayer). ""Good luck, my lad. Wish I had your chance."" [A Conference in Manchester last week approved a scheme for the training of a hundred thousand additional apprentices to the building-trades.] (an InterWar cartoon showing an out of work WW1 veteran and a young builder at a building site)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL111081 "Mons to Berlin. ""Well, the boys have got there at last.""" *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL109564 "That ""Demobilised"" Feeling." *** Local Caption *** EH Shepard Cartoons from Punch Magazine
PCL111936 "Homage from the Brave. ""Old Contemptible"" (to member of the Royal Irish Constabulary). ""Well, mate, I had to stick it against a pretty dirty fighter, but thank God I never had a job quite like yours.""" *** Local Caption *** Homage from the Brave Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL110546 "One More River to Leave. Rhine Maiden (politely concealing her satisfaction). ""Must you give up keeping a watch on us?"" Thomas Atkins (knowing the language). ""Ich muss.""" *** Local Caption *** Bernard Partridge cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL108397 "The Watch on the Ruhr. M Briand (recruiting for the Entente). ""Voila, mon brave, doesn't that tempt you?"" (French president Aristide Briand points British prime minnister David Lloyd George to the poster Join The Army Of Occupation - Come Where The Coal Is Plentiful in the InterWar era)" *** Local Caption *** InterWar Era Cartoons from Punch magazine by Leonard Raven Hill
PCL113357 "An Irresistible Claim. Roumania. ""I hope, while they're feeding their starving enemies, they won't forget their starving friends.""" *** Local Caption *** An Irresistible Claim Bernard Partridge Cartoons from Punch magazine
PCL111051 "Mother. ""George were always a turrible one to clean 'isself; But the army do seem to 'ave made un worse."" Father. ""Ah! 'E gives way to it.""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons by Frank Reynolds from Punch magazine
PCL109888 "Sergeant. ""Now, then, my lad, you're asking for it. Why don't you use your periscope?"" Tommy. ""I was using it, and twice I nearly got a bullet through it.""" *** Local Caption *** Cartoons by Frank Reynolds from Punch magazine

Total de Resultados: 22

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