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alb10892794 Paris, France. The Grand Châtelet. Fortress built by King Louis VI (1081-1137) on the right bank of the Seine River. It was rebuilt in stone after the Norman incursions. After its use as a fortress was discarded, it became the Provost of Paris' headquarter, housing prisons and torture chambers. It was demolished in 1808 by order of Napoleon. Main façade. Facsimile after an engraving by Matthäus Merian in "Topographia Galliae", by Martin Zeiler. Published Frankfurt, 1655. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
akg5677035 Chor, Karlsschrein und Chorfenster.
akg964819 Varennes-Jarcy (Dép.Essonne, Ilede-France, Frankreich), Mühle / Moulin de Jarcy (Wassermühle an der Yerres; ehem. Klostermühle der Abtei von Jarcy; 12.Jh.).-Außenansicht.-Foto, undatiert.
akg5589941 Zurbarán, Francisco de. 1598-1664. "Der Heilige Hieronymus von Engeln gegeißelt", nach 1639. Öl auf Leinwand, 235 x 290 cm. Guadalupe (Prov. Cáceres, Extremadura, Spanien), Real Monasterio de Santa Mará de Guadalupe (Hieronymitenkloster), Sakristei.
akg2083927 Bossuet, François Antoine, 1798-1889, Belgian painter. "A View of Toledo", 1872. Oil on canvas, 83.2 x 130.2 cm. London Sotheby's, 29th October 1987, lot 17. Author: FRANCOIS ANTOINE BOSSUET.
akg2355444 Piñole, Nicanor. 1878-1978. "Hirten auf der Plaza de la Cibeles", 1907. (Madrid, Spanien). Öl auf Leinwand, 53 × 68 cm. Madrid, Fundación Banco Santander. Museum: Madrid, Fundación Banco Santander. Author: NICANOR PINOLE. Copyright: Additional copyrights must be cleared.
akg2187625 Zurbarán, Francisco de. 1598-1664. "Die Vision des Fray Pedro de Salamanca", 1639. Öl auf Leinwand, 290 × 222 cm. Guadalupe (Prov. Cáceres, Extremadura, Spanien), Real Monasterio de Santa Mará de Guadalupe (Hieronymitenkloster), Sakristei.
akg954386 park.
akg1641973 zu: Technik / Telegraphie:-" Marconi-Station in Amerika" (Antenne der Funkstation in Galceby (Kanada), von wo der Italiener Guglielmo Marconi 1907 den ersten drahtlosen transatlantischen Telegrafendienst zur Gegenstation in Clifden, Galway (Irland) aufnahm (29 Worte über eine Entfernung von 3120 km in 2 Minuten).-Farblithographie, ...
akg1110792 Maasland oder Nordost-Frankreich, ca. 1375.-Geburt, Anbetung, Kreuzigung und Jüngstes Gericht.-Diptychon. Elfenbein, H. 20,3 cm, B. 9,5 cm (je Flügel). Inv.Nr. BK-1992-28. Museum: Rijksmuseum., Amsterdam.
alb10892804 Torture of the wheel, executed by demons. Engraving after "Le grant Kalendrier et compost des Bergiers", Troyes, 1529. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892805 Bailiff's Court. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Münster's "Cosmographia universalis", published in Basel in 1552. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892806 The Water Torture. The prisoner was tied with ropes to a sloping ladder or surface so that his head was lower than his feet. In this position, a cloth was forced down into his mouth, and water was slowly poured down his throat with a pitcher so that he swallowed it until it burst. Facsimile of an engraving from "Praxis Rerum Criminalium", by J. Damhouder". Antwerp, 1556. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892801 France. The pillory in the market-place (Les Halles) of Paris in the sixteenth century. Engraving by Huyot after a drawing by an unknown artist of 1670. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892802 Judge. Engraving after a drawing in "Proverbes, Adages, etc", 15th century. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892800 France. Perspective of the city of Paris in 1607. Facsimile pf a copperplate by Léonard Gaultier (1561-1641). Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892797 France. Paris. Measuring of salt. Engraving after "Ordonnances de la Prevoste des Marchands de Paris", 1500. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892793 Italian Beggar. Facsimile from an engraving by Jacques Callot (1592-1635). Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892796 Extraction of metals. Engraving after a woodcut in Sebastian Münster's "Cosmographia universalis", published in Basel in 1552. Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892799 Promulgation of an Edict. Engraving by Albert Coinchon after a miniature in "Ancienneté des Juifs", a 15th-century manuscript (French translation of the "History of Josephus"). Later colouration. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878. Author: Albert Coinchon (1845-1871). French artist.
akg575128 Sicard, Rochambroise Cucurron, Abbé. Direktor der Taubstummenanstalt in Paris; 1742-1822. / "L'abbé Sicard sauvé par Monot" (Der Uhrmacher Monot rettet durch seine Fürsprache Sicard vor der Guillotine, August 1792). Farblithographie, um 1900. Nr. 19 einer Sammelbildchen-Serie "Histoire de France entre 1789 et 1799". Paris, Privatsammlung. Museum: Paris, Private Collection.
akg530837 Nestroy, Johann Nepomuk ; 1801-1862. Oeuvre : L'homme déchiré (1re 1844). Berlin Schlosspark-Theater (mise-en-scène : Holger Berg ; direction musicale : Peter Fischer) : Herr von Lips (K. Bachler) et ses amis (T. Hoffmann, S. Walser, L. Zeidler). Dessin, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg097517 Dürer, Albrecht 1471-1528. "Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman", 1505. On elm wood, 32.5 × 24.5 cm. Inv. 6440. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Museum: Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum.
akg576384 Bruegel, Pieter th. E. c. 1525/30 - 1569. "The Suicide of Saul in the Battle against the Philistines on Mt. Gilboa, 1562. Detail. On oakwood, 33.5 × 55 cm. Inv. no. 1011. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Museum: Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Author: THE ELDER PIETER BRUEGEL.
akg816107 Brühl Schloßkirche Altar (,Nordrhein-Westfalen,DEU).
akg927489 Brüderlin, Hannelore; 1927-2008.-Haute Couture, P.A.P. Paris, Frühjahr/Sommer 1980: Yves Saint Laurent. Zeichnung, Filzstift auf Papier. 20,9 x 30 cm.
akg927501 Brüderlin, Hannelore; 1927-2008.-Haute Couture, P.A.P. Paris, Frühjahr/Sommer 1980: Yves Saint Laurent. Zeichnung, Filzstift auf Papier. 20,9 x 30 cm.
akg307008 Lesseps, Ferdinand vicomte de ; diplomate et ingénieur français ; dirigea de. 1859 à 1869 la construction du canal de Suez; Versailles 19.11.1805 - La Chênaie. 7.12.1894. "Ferdinand de Lesseps". (Caricature sur la construction du canal de Suez). Litho. au crayon d'ap. dessin de Etiennne Carjat (1828-1906). Compagnie de Suez.
akg048477 Giotto di Bondone, c. 1266-1337. "The Freeing of the Heretic Peter". (St. Francis frees Peter of Alife; Bonaventura, De miraculis V, 4). Fresco, c. 1295/1300. Assisi, S. Francesco (Upper church, nave, 4th bay, south wall). (Photo: Stefan Diller).
akg3113791 Repin, Ilya Yefimovich, 1844 - 1930, Russian painter. "Burlak", 1870. Oil on canvas, 38.5 x 31 cm. Inv. no. - Z-4055. St Petersburg State Russian Museum. Museum: St. Petersburg, Russian Museum.
akg352758 Saccaggi, Césare. 1868-1934. "Taunting the Prisoner". Oil on canvas, 94 × 128cm. No date. London, Sotheby's. Lot 368, 19/6/91.
akg354107 Repin, Ilya Yefimovich, 1844 - 1930, Russian painter. "The breaking up of the demonstration, bloody Sunday". (Bloody Sunday in St Petersburg on 22nd January). Painting (study), 1905. Oil on canvas, 54 x 89 cm. Inv. no. 12489/1. Central Museum of the Revolution, Moscow, Russia. Museum: Moscow, Central Museum of the Revolution.
akg1008024 Giotto di Bondone, um 1266-1337.-"The liberation of the heretic Peter". (St. Francis liberates Peter of Alife; Bonaventura, De miraculis V, 4).-Detail. Fresco, c.1295/1300. Assisi, S. Francesco (Uper church, nave, 4th bay, south wall). (Photo: Stefan Diller).
akg4218863 Henry Hirschsprung; Danish tobacco maker, patrons and art collectors (founder of the Hirschsprung Collection in Copenhagen); Copenhagen 7. 2. 1836 - ibid., 8. 11. 1908. - "Portrait of the family Hirschsprung". - (On the balcony of the summer residence in Vilhemlsdal: Heinrich Hirschsprung with wife Pauline, born Jacobson, 1845-1912, and the five children, from the left Ivar, Aage, Oscar, Robert and Ellen). Painting, 1881, by Peder Severin Kröyer (1851-1909). Oil on canvas, 109.5 × 135 cm. Inv. No. 208. Copenhagen, Den Hirschsprungske Samling. Author: PETER SEVERIN KROEYER.
akg4025805 Geschichte / Rittertum / Turnier. "Das Welsche Gestech". Holzschnitt, koloriert, Nürnberg 1500, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) zugeschrieben. Illustration zu dem geplanten Werk "Freydal" für Kaiser Maximilian I. Bl. 46 × 31 cm. Graphische Sammlung, H 368, Kapsel 18. Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Museum: Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum.
akg1794366 History / Prussia. "Prussian Court Theatre in Potsdam". Drawing, 2012, by Rainer Ehrt (born 1960). Pen and ink and acrylic paint on paper. Copyright: Rainer Ehrt's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us for more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg4467134 SOUND apparatus Sony Walkman Cassettes Player WM-2011 US 1991 with caps Photography of Patrizia Piccini.
akg6155562 France, Paris, musée du Louvre, Eustache Le Sueur, 1616-1655, Les Muses Melpomène, Erato rt Polymnie, vers 1652-1655, huile sur toile.
akg7006677 Joan (Juana de Austria), Infanta of Spain and Crown Princess (John Manuel) of Portugal, daughter of Charles V and Isabella of Portugal, 1554-59 regent for her brother Philip II. of Spain; Madrid 24.6.1535 - ibid 7.9.1573. - "Portrait of Joan of Austria, Princess of Portugal". - Painting, c. 1557, by Alonso Sánchez Coello (1531-1588). Oil on canvas, 116 × 93.5 cm. Acquired in 1990. Inv. No. 90/15. Bilbao, Museo de Bellas Artes.
alb10892466 Tribunal of the King's Bailiff. Facsimile of a woodcut from "Praxis Rerum Civilium" by Josse Damhoudere. Antwerp, 1557. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892470 Philip IV (1268-1314). King of France (1285-1314), called Philip the Fair. King Philip IV in battledress on his entry into Paris in 1304 after having defeated the Communes of Flanders. Equestrian statue located in the choir of Notre-Dame of Paris, destroyed in 1772. Engraving. Facsimile from a woodcut in "Cosmographie universelle" by André Thevet, 1575. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892459 Right of the bishopric of Tournai on beer. Originally this tax was paid in kind. The Chapter collector went to the brewers' house to collect it. Later it was agreed that the brewers themselves would transport to the Chapter the amount due to be paid to them in kind. From 1286 onwards, brewers were allowed to keep all the benefits in exchange for the payment of an annual tax. The bishop of Tournai receiving the tithe of beer granted by King Chilperic. Engraving after a stained glass of the Cathedral Notre Dame of Tournai, 15th century. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892462 Dues on wines, privilege granted to the Chapter of Tournai by King Chilperic. Two clergymen, one carrying the measuring cups and the other a rod to measure the barrels. Engraving after a stained glass of the Cathedral Notre Dame of Tournai, 15th century. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892465 Grand ceremonial banquet at the French Court in the 14th century, with "entremets" (dishes that were served after roasts, vegetables and sweets). Engraving by Huyot from "Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque carlovingienne à la Renaissance" by Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879). "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892463 Fredegund (543-597). Queen consort of Neustria. Third wife of King Chilperic I. Queen Fredegund, seated on the throne, orders two young men from Thérouanne to assassinate Sigebert, King of Austrasia. Engraving after a stained glass of the Cathedral Notre Dame of Tournai, 15th century. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892464 Holy Roman Empire. Officers of the table and the chamber of the imperial court: butler, cook, barber and tailor. Engraving after "Le Triomphe de l'Empereur Maximilien I", by J. Resch, Burgmayer; drawing by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), 1512. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892460 Anne of Brittany (1477-1514). Duchess of Brittany (1488-1514) and twice Queen consort of France (1491-1498, 1499-1514). Court of the Ladies of Queen Anne of Brittany. The queen is depicted crying for her husband's absence during the Italian wars. Engraving by Bertrand from a miniature of "Epistres Envoyées au Roi", 16th century. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892469 The selfish and envious villain. Engraving from a miniature of "Proverbes et Adages" that showed the legend: "Qui trop embrasse mal étreint" (who embraces a lot little will squeeze). "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892458 Paris, France. Facade of the former church of the Abbey of Saint Genevieve. Founded by Clovis I around 502, it was rebuilt between the 11th and 13th centuries. View of the building before its destruction shortly after 1800. Engraving. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892468 The Queen of Sheba before Solomon. Costume of 15th century. The king extends his scepter to the queen to symbolise that he welcomes the person and the gift offered to him. Five ladies accompany the queen. Six courtiers of Solomon stand to the right of the throne. Chromolithography after a miniature from the Breviary of the cardinal Grimani, attributed to Memling, 1520. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892461 Louis II of Flanders (1330-1384). Count of Flanders. Deputies of the Burghers of Ghent in revolt against their sovereign, Louis II of Flanders, come to beg him to pardon them and to return to their town, 1379. Engraving after a miniature from "Froissart". "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892471 Execution of the pirate Klaus Störtebeker (ca. 1360-1401) and the seventy of his accomplices of the brotherhood of which he was the leader, known as the Victual Brothers, on 20 October 1401 in Hamburg. Engraving based on a popular image from the end of the 16th century. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
akg214128 Ivanov, Alexander Andreyevitch 1806-1858. "Priamus Beggs Achilles to Release the Corps of his Son Hector", 1824. (Homer, Ilias XXIV, 486). Painting. Museum Moscow (picture without further details about which Museum). Author: ALEXANDER ANDREYEVICH IVANOV.
akg392118 Music / Stringed instruments / Cittern. Cittern player. Copper eng., anonym. From: Playford, Musick's Delight for the Cithren, 1666. K. 1.9.3. London, British Library. Museum: London, British Library. Copyright: Additional permissions needed for non-editorial use.
akg366165 G.Picon. "Plaque painted in the manner of Jean-Louis David", German, c. 1880. No further details available.
akg392117 Music / Stringed instruments:. Viola da Gamba. Viol player. Copper engraving. From: Christopher Simpson, The Division-Violist: or an introduction To Playing upon a Ground. London (William Godbid) 1659. London, British Library. Museum: London, British Library. Copyright: Additional permissions needed for non-editorial use.
akg948219 Nájera (La Rioja, Spanien), Kloster / Monasterio Santa María la Real (gegründet 1052 von Don García III. von Navarra; 1079 dem Kloster Cluny unterstellt), Klosterkirche (erbaut 1422-1453; Grablege der Könige von Navarra und León). /-Außenansicht.-/ Foto, 2008. Aus der Serie: Sites clunisiens.
akg264161 Claesz, Pieter c. 1597/98 - 1661. "Still-life with musical instruments", 1623. Oil on canvas, 60 × 122cm. R.F. 1939.11. Paris, Musée du Louvre. Museum: Paris, Musée Du Louvre.
akg319315 Giaccarelli, Antonio. 1799-1838. "Priam begs Achill to hand over the body of his son Hector", c. 1819/25. (Homer, Iliad XXIV, 486). Plaster relief, 96 × 180cm. Vestibule (hall XII), Venice, Galleria dell'Accademia. Museum: Venice, Galleria dell'Accademia.
akg948218 Nájera (La Rioja, Spanien), Kloster / Monasterio Santa María la Real (gegründet 1052 von Don García III. von Navarra; 1079 dem Kloster Cluny unterstellt), Klosterkirche (erbaut 1422-1453; Grablege der Könige von Navarra und León). /-Außenansicht.-/ Foto, 2008. Aus der Serie: Sites clunisiens.
akg601000 >Marcus Tullius Cicero (Redner, Politiker, Schriftsteller, *Arpinum (heute Arpino) 3.1.106 v. Chr. - +ermordet bei Formiae (heute Formia) 7.12.43 v. Chr.). Gipsabguß einer Originalstatue. Rom, Museo della Civilta' Romana (Italien, Latium). Rom, Latium, Italien.
akg999002 Weyden, Rogier van der; 1399/1400-1464. "Christ as Judge of the World", c.1449/51. Detail. Middle panel of the Beaune altar with the "Last Judgement". Oil on wood, middle panel 220 x 109cm. Beaune, Hôtel-Dieu.
akg405459 Granada, Sto. Domingo im Kloster Sta. Cruz la Real / Spiegelkuppel Camerin de la Virgen del Rosario Aufnahmeformat / Filmsize: 6 × 9 cm.
akg6003182 Andy Warhol (1928-1987). Cowboys and indian stars. John Wayne. Mother and child. 1986. Silkscreen print on paper. Exhibition in Rome, Italy. Complesso del Vittoriano. 2018. Photo: Eric Vandeville. Copyright: © Andy Warhol / www. arsny. com. This artwork is not in the public domain. Additional copyright clearance may be required before use of this image.
akg1063708 Law / Torture.-Torture chair with dummy.-Studio Lacoste, Madrid, c.1895. Photography. Museum: Private Collection., Privatsammlung.
akg4466598 LEONARDO celebre the design of the Man of Vitruvio, are evidenced it incur us of the legs and the arms Simulation graphical photo/of computergrafica processing, creative colors Color'G'Ando Gilardi, 1970 approximately.
akg943918 Altes Ägypten / Mumien.-Mumie eines ungefähr fünfzigjährigen Mannes. Ptolemäische Zeit. Von Jules Ferdinand Gay-Lussac erworben. Leihgabe des Museums Cahors. 3-D-Bild, erzeugt mit durch Computertomographie gewonnenen und gescannten Daten (c) MAAT3D. Museum: Musée Champollion., Figeac.
akg263522 Berlin, Germany. "Berlin". Street scene Unter den Liden. Advertising poster for the London & North Easter Railway. Poster (colour print), c.1920s. 101.2 x 127.1 cm. Design: Frank Newbould (1887-1950). Print: Chorley & Pickersgill, London. Private collection. Copyright: Additional copyrights must be cleared.
akg098712 re.: Berlin-Mitte, Brandenburg Gate. (1788-91 build by C.G.Langhans). "ALEMANIA / BERLIN Y POTSDAM". Tourism poster for Spain showing the Brandenburg Gate and Sanssouci Palace, 1937. Design: Werner von Axster-Heudtlaß (1898-1949). Author: WERNER AXSTER-HARDTLASS.
akg340925 Pollock, Jackson. 1912-1956. "The Flame", c. 1934/38. Oil on canvas, mounted on chipboard, 51.1 × 76.2 cm. Enid A.Haupt Fund, New York, Museum of Modern Art. Museum: New York, Museum of Modern Art. Copyright: © Jackson Pollock. This artwork is not in the public domain. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary third party permissions from the copyright handler in your country prior to publication.
akg184585 Völkerkunde:. Afrika. Marktszene in Porto Novo (Benin / 1899-1958 Teilkolonie von Französisch-Westafrika). Foto, um 1905. Aus: Fotoalbum eines deutschen Kolonialbeamten.
akg017550 Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia Pella 356 - Babylon 13.6.323 B.C. Alexander as Amon. Coin portrait. Tetradrachm, c. 300 B.C.
akg375265 Greek vase painting, Attic red-figure, Euphronios, c. 515-510 BC. Hetaerae symposium. Detail: Agapa with two Skyphoi. Psykter, 34cm high, lip 14cm diameter, body 29cm diameter, base 14.5cm diam. Found in Cerveteri, purchased 1862 with the Campana Collection. Inv. Nr. B. 1650 (St. 1670, B. 644). St Petersburg, State Hermitage. Museum: St. Petersburg, Staatliche Ermitage.
akg017547 Alexander der Great, King of Macedonia Pella 356 - Babylon 13.6.323 B.C. Alexander as Hercules. Coin portrait. Silver tetradrachme, c. 300 B.C.
akg3091278 Preyer, Johann Wilhelm, 1803-1889, German artist. "Stillleben mit Trauben, Quitte und Apfelsine" (Still life with grapes, quince and orange), 1835. Oil on canvas, 15.5 x 18.2 cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
akg117075 Medicine / Health Spas. "Frühling in Wiesbaden" (Springtime in Wiesbaden). (Advertisment poster of the town Wies Baden, Germany). Design: Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949). From: Gebrauchsgraphik, 3rd year, Nr. 1, Berlin 1926.
akg3002898 Griechische Vasenmalerei, schwarzfigurig, chalkidisch, um 510 v.Chr. - Theseus erschlägt den Minotauros in Gegenwart von drei Frauen. - Amphora, Seite A. Keramik, Gesamthöhe 37,5 cm. Fundort: Caere / Cerveteri (Latium, Italien). Inv.Nr. E 805. Département des Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines, Paris, Musée du Louvre. Museum: Paris, Musée Du Louvre. Author: ANONYMOUS.
akg1109119 Military, Weapons / Rocket.-Test launch of a V-2 rocket at White Sands Proving Ground (WSPG), Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. (German rockets were transported to the US after WWII in order for them not to fall into Soviet hands). Photo, 10th October 1946.
akg1635380 GI Joe Marine en tenue de combat; Poupée homme, Fabricant Etats-Unis, 1964. Hasbro (Providence 1923 =>), société crée en 1923 a Providence par les frères Hassenfeld (le nom vient de la contraction d' Hassenfeld Brothers). Spécialisée à l'origine dans les fournitures scolaires, Hasbro se diverifie dans les années 1940 en ... Museum: Les Arts Décoratifs., Paris.
akg3003045 Griechische Vasenmalerei, attisch, rotfigurig, Maler von Agrigent, um 460 v.Chr. - Komos mit Hetaire. - Pelike, Seite A. Keramik, Höhe 32,5 cm, Durchmesser 17,5 cm. Fundort: Spina (Valle Trebba bei Comacchio an der Adria, Emilia Romagna, Italien), Nekropole, Tomba 563. (Beazley ARV 578, 72). Inv.Nr. 2998. Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Museum: Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale.
akg1120977 Military / Weapons / Rocket.-Rocket test site, Peenemünde, Germany. The launch of a V2 rocket. Photo, undated 1944(?).
akg1000591 Aristoteles; griech.Philosoph und Naturforscher; Stagira 384 v.Chr.-Chalkis 322 v.Chr.-Büste.-Skulptur, römisch, 2.Jahrhundert n. Chr. Marmor und Onyx, Höhe 73 cm. Inv.Nr.9. Museum: Galleria degli Uffizi., Florenz.
akg4525160 Zapater y Clavería, Martín; Spanish merchant, banker and local politician (friends with Francisco de Goya); Saragossa 1747 - ibid 1803. - "Portrait of Don Martin Zapater". - Painting, 1790, by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828). Oil on canvas, 83 × 65 cm. Ponce, Puerto Rico, Museo de Arte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg1041504 Egyptian, Roman Period, Hadrianic or Antonie, c.160-180 AD.-Mummy portrait of a young woman.-Encaustic painting on wood, 33 x 20.3 cm. Found: probably Thebes 1820. Inv.no. N2733 (P 212); Département des Antiquités égyptiennes,. Museum: Musée du Louvre., Paris.
akg7942440 Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène (Paris, 1819 - Nice, 1889). Portrait de Mlle Ernestine Urban, danseuse, entre 1860 et 1890. Photographie, Tirage sur papier albuminé. PH57220, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg7942437 L. Cremière & Cie, photographe. Portrait de Mlle Ernestine Urban, danseuse, entre 1860 et 1890. Photographie, Tirage sur papier albuminé. PH57218, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
akg4454345 GIOVANNA of Savoia, branch of Aosta, (1907-2000), daughter of Vittorio Emanuele III and Elena of Montenegro. In 1930 it married Boris III, czar of the Bulgarians from which she had two sons, Maria Luisa and Simeone. Italy, 1930 approximately.
akg4804947 Sevilla Andalusien Spanien, Patio de las Doncellas en el Alcazar, Innenhof.
alb10892101 Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). Navigator, cartographer and admiral. He served the Crown of Castile. Landing of Christopher Columbus on the island of Guanahani, on 12th October 1492, erecting the cross and baptising the island in the name of Christ, calling it San Salvador Island (in the archipelago of The Bahamas). Engraving by Bertrand after Theodor de Bry (ca. 1528-1598), in the collection "Grands Voyages", published in Frankfurt, 1590. Detail. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892102 Dancers on Christmas Night punished for their impiety and condemned to dance for a whole year. 15th-century legend. Facsimile of an engraving by Wohlgemuth in "Liber Chronicarum Mundi", Nuremberg, 1493. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892107 Peasant dances of the May Feasts. Facsimile of an engraving from a miniature in a 15th-century book of hours. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892104 Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). Navigator, cartographer and admiral. He served the Crown of Castile. Landing of Christopher Columbus on the island of Guanahani, on 12th October 1492, erecting the cross and baptising the island in the name of Christ, calling it San Salvador Island (in the archipelago of The Bahamas). Engraving by Bertrand after Theodor de Bry (ca. 1528-1598), in the collection "Grands Voyages", published in Frankfurt, 1590. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892105 Louis XII of France (1462-1515). Queen of France (1498-1515). Louis XII leaving Alexandria on 24th of April 1507, to chastise the city of Genoa. Chromolithography from a miniature in "Le Voyage de Gênes" by Jean Marot. Detail. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892100 Louis XII of France (1462-1515). Queen of France (1498-1515). Louis XII leaving Alexandria on 24th of April 1507, to chastise the city of Genoa. Chromolithography from a miniature in "Le Voyage de Gênes" by Jean Marot. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892090 Interior of Italian Kitchen. Cooks preparing a feast. Facsimile of a woodcut from the cookbook of Cristoforo di Messisbugo, "Banchetti compositioni di Vivende," published in Ferrara, 1549. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892106 Clovis I (ca. 466-511). King of the Franks (481-511). Clovis in the midst of the military chiefs who formed his Treuste, or armed court, dictates the Salic law (code of the Barbarian laws). Engraving after a miniature in the "Chronicles of Saint Denis" (Chroniques de Saint-Denis), 14th-century manuscript. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", por Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.
alb10892094 Louis de Mallet (Louis Malet de Graville) (1438-1516). Lord of Graville and Admiral of France. Portrait in costume of war and tournament. Facsimile from a 16th-century engraving. "Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance", by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878.

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