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1851en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1851, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: And that one?Miguelito: Ah, a wind-up monkey playing the violin. Uncle Fernando gave it to me and the trusth is love my uncle Fernando very much. Imagine, this is one of the toys I wrecked most fondly in my life.
1873en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1873, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman: If this stuff you sold me is coffee, I'm Brigitte Bardot!!Manolito: You? You, Brigitte Bardot? HA-HA-HA!! HEE-HEE-HEE!!
1892en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1892, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoWoman: Give us this day our daily bread.Man: Forgive us our sins as we forgive them who...Susanita: And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, don't let us get into trouble like the fat girl at the bakery who found out her boyfriend is also the partner os a cousin married to the skinny guy who went out with the sister...
1840en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1840, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Don't understand your father, Libertad. He knows who to vote for in the next elections, thinks his candidate Will Win... And is not pleased?Libertad: No, he has such a face, poor thing!Mafalda: But why? Does he think his candidate Will not be allowed to govern?Libertad: Sometimes he thinks that, and he has such a face, poor thing! Other times he thinks they Will let him govern, and he has that face again!Mafalda: But if he's soupset about his candidate why doesn't he vote for any other!Libertad: He did think of that, and had such a face.
1826en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1826, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: It's absurd, why can't children vote?Miguelito: Well said!Felipe: There!Susanita: So, why?Mafalda: Aren't we part of the country after all?Susanita: Yes, sir!Miguelito: Good!Felipe: Bravo!Mafalda: Aren't we citizens just as much as any other?Susanita: Yes, we are!Miguelito, Felipe and Libertad: Of course.Mafalda: And of the people as any other!Susanita: Oh, no! don't insult me!
1857en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1857, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Technology moves slowly. What wouldn't a poor dinosaur have given for somebody to fill his cavities?
1846en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1846, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Who's this man in the poster?Mafalda: He wants to be president, Guille.Guille: And this other man?Mafalda: He also wants to be president.Guille: And that one?Mafalda: Also.Guille: And him?Mafalda: Also.Guille: And this one?Mafalda: AlsoGuille: And that?Mafalda: Also.Guille: But haven't we got a president?Mafalda: Yes, of course.Guille: Wow, we're surrounded, right?
1841en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1841, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: Looking at the sky last night I decided: there are many more stars than needed.Mafalda: Needed for what?
1894en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1894, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Sounds stupid, but buying the bread is much more than going to buy bread. It means communicating with people, taking part in society, finding a place in the world. It is also paying and getting chance, contributing in a small way to the many commercial operations that make up the national economy. What I don't understand is why I'm the only fool handy at home to be sent to that stupid bakery.
1899en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1899, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Poor thing, in prison!Mafalda: Well... He has to pay for his crimes, Guille.Guille: What did he do?Mafalda: He perpetrated birth in current times with premeditated intent to commit childhood in an urban environment.
1887en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1887, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoTeacher: If Pepito has a dozen cakes and gives six to a friend, he'll remain with...Libertad: With...Teacher: Whth?Libertad: With... Out. For being stupid?
1845en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1845, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: Hi, Mafalda, always worried about where humanity is going?Mafalda: Not really... Nobody's waiting for it anywhere, don't you think?
1875en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1875, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: What do I gain sitting here avoiding home work? I've got to do it! After all, it's for my own good! Goodness, the anxiety that my own good carries!
1906en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1906, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: Screeech-chash: Preposition that invariably precedes certain idiomatic expressions.
1831en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1831, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoGuille: Psst!Mafalda: What's, up, Guille?Guille: I'm the invisible man!Mafalda: Wow! Yes! That's right! Incredible!Guille: Phew!
1855en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1855, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoFelipe: One of the subtleties of chess is to know how to make your rival nervous. You think camly, eh! After all we can sit here for months playing.Mafalda: I doubt it, in a few weeks we'll have to get up to go to school.Felipe: Let's see, if I take her bishop with my copybook...
1913en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1913, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoTeacher: Miguelito, come up here.Miguelito: Thanks, miss, I prefer to fight from the ground. Politicians use these statements and nobody questions them. They don't have a teacher that marks them. That's why they can use these statements, the politicians!
1903en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1903, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMiguelito: The stupid vertebrates are animals with internal skeletons, bones and cartilage. That includes the blasted skull, the spine and annexes! The stupid dorsal nervous system from the brain to the spinal chord.Mafalda: What on earth is going on, Miguelito?Miguelito: Nothing, just that studying lessons makes me so angry that if I don't let off stem I can't study.
1872en TIRA MAFALDA, CÓDIGO ORIGINAL 1872, INGLÊS, EDICIONES DE LA FLORDiálogoMafalda: What's that cat with huge eyes, Guille?Guille: The magnifying cat.Mafalda: Magnifying cat? so what is it?Guille: A cat that sees all very large. It sees mice as cows.Mafalda: Like cows?! Poor magnifying cat!Guille: Don't you believe it. She opened a dairy to sell mouse milk to the ants and is doing quite well.

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